Michael Feinberg Netcracker Waltham

Email, phone number & executive profile for Michael Feinberg, President of NetCracker Technology Corp. At Waltham, MA.

Disclaimer, listing policy: CompanyDirectorCheck.com provides details of current and historic companies (including registration details, accounts and director information) registered across England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. When a limited company is incorporated, it has a legal obligation under the Companies Act to make all business details available for public inspection, including registration details, accounts and director information. We use this data to generate the records published on our websites. These records are publicly available from The Registrar of Companies (Companies House UK), in certain cases The Registry Trust and from various other company data websites. Limited company data is not subject to the Data Protection Act. There are no data protection regulations related to limited company data and no authorisations or permissions required with regards to its publication.

Michael Feinberg, Executive from Waltham Michael Feinberg was a director at Netcracker Technology Limited. The company, registration number 05637862, at the time was situated at 66 Prescot Street, London.

The official records show there are 6 filings that mention Michael Feinberg, like the 2 pages long document of the 'change' category and the 2 pages long file of the 'change' category. Michael Feinberg's work history includes 1 position. Among the professionals Feinberg worked with we can name:, a director at Netcracker Technology Limited. Michael Alexander Feinberg, Chief Technology Officer from Cambourne Michael Alexander Feinberg has worked as a director at Netcracker Technology Emea Limited since the 16th of May 2012. As a professional, Michael Alexander worked with (among others):, Michael Jones (from 16th of May 2012 to 16th of May 2012), (from 16th of May 2012 to 16th of May 2012), Tammy Lynn Rhorer (from 16th of May 2012 to 16th of May 2012),. Up till now Michael Alexander Feinberg managed 2 companies. Michael has worked as a director in Netcracker Technology Emea Limited located at 2010 Cambourne Business Park, CB23 6DW, in Cambourne.

This company was launched on the 11th of August 1989. Other director/secretary appointments: director in Netcracker Technology Solutions Limited (2010 Cambourne Busines Park, in Cambourne, incorporated on the 11th of September 1990). We found 14 filings mentioning Michael Alexander, such as the documents submitted on: 15th of June 2012 ( appointments category), 15th of June 2012 ( appointments category), 26th of January 2017, 5th of January 2016, 29th of October 2015. Born in October 1947 Michael Alexander is 70 years old.

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Andrew Feinberg serves as the President and Chief Executive Officer of Netcracker Technology Corporation. Feinberg shapes NetCracker's corporate strategy and worldwide business operations. Under his leadership, NetCracker has experienced steady, profitable growth. He has steered NetCracker to become an integrated provider of OSS software, services, and telecom expertise with a single focus on customer success. Prior to leading NetCracker, he worked at Bain &.

Company Private Equity Group where he oversaw transactions in the telecommunications, software, and hardware industries. Before joining Bain, he was a Strategy Consultant for the telecommunications, cable, and software industries advising customers on corporate strategy in the U.S., Europe, and Latin America.

Feinberg holds an MBA from the Wharton School and a B.S. From Bentley College.