Starmade Blueprints Download

Why Early Access? “ We are offering the current full version of the game to play for free in alpha, scroll down! We are using Early Access to give the players the possibility to play the game, as well as giving them the opportunity to be a contributing factor in the game's development. We are a small independent company, and this will help us to develop the game further, through player feedback and funding. The demo will still be free to try out from our own website, as well as a free version available here.

All existing customers that have an upgraded account can receive the game on Steam through linking their StarMade Citizen’s Registry account with their Steam account” Approximately how long will this game be in Early Access? “StarMade will stay in Early Access until we’ve developed all core features and feel confident in the game’s overall systems. We will also need to go through a rigorous bug testing phase. Our plans are ambitious, as such no definitive date can be made.” How is the full version planned to differ from the Early Access version?

“We have many features planned for development. You can check out what we're working on, or what we will be working on at our Trello Roadmap (development direction post (and our bug tracking site (In essence, the full version will have a more lively universe. Here are a few ways we plan to achieve this, dynamic and procedural quests, NPC factions and empires, soundtracks and sound fx, scripting, modding API, creatures, diplomacy and fleet control. Game performance and scalability is our underlining priority.” What is the current state of the Early Access version? “We have had stable versions of the game and server since 2014. StarMade in its current state is a complex and extensive sandbox, we have created a set of tools for us and the community to create the ultimate space experience.

A little update with a major gameplay feature: Shops instead of selling ships of blueprints for credits, they will now sell blueprint metaitems that the player has to fill up with exactly the blocks the ship of the blueprint requires. Should the blueprints you bought in any way differ in materials when you spawn it (if it's. How do i download ships to. Import it into blueprints from the ship manager. When you right click starmade #2-Open your ship file #3- double click on.

It’s now time for us to bring StarMade’s universes to life. Fontexplorer X Pro License Crack Mac Software here. ” Will the game be priced differently during and after Early Access? “The game's price will slowly rise during the Early Access period as features are progressively added. This system will favour those who have purchased and showed their support in the early stages of the game.” How are you planning on involving the Community in your development process? “We already extensively involve the community in the development of the game.

Starmade Blueprints Download

Pre-steam release we were roughly at 300,000 people registered on our account system, requests/bug reports/suggestions are constantly read by our team. Many player contributed suggestions have already been implemented into the game. We host community build contests to create ships, stations and other in-game creations for placement in the game. Additionally, we have a community elected council who seek opinions, suggestions and feedback and relay it back to the development team. We as a team, are heavily involved with our community.”.

10 December This is not a full release, this is a release we believe to be ready, but still needs public exposure for testing. Pre-builds are after development builds, but before a release build. You can learn more about our release cycles here: Greetings citizens, ~ Finally, we’ve reached the point where we enter a pre-release state.

This means that all the needed features are in, and preliminary bug fixing is done. There will still be issues, and while it should run fine, we strongly advise to backup your universe or try it out on a separate installation. It can be downloaded and installed from the Pre branch. With more exposure, it will be easier to find those less critical issues and ensure stability before we can release it to everyone to use. If you come across anything new that doesn’t work or you believe you’ve located a new bug, report that here to help us out: If you’re not too sure about it, feel free to contact @Lancake in a private conversation, or leave a comment on this thread.

While we wait for people to try it out and report issues, we’ll continue building on features for the update after this. --- What follows, is a quick overview of what’s new compared to release. We’ll make a more in-depth version for the actual release. A quick overview of major features and changes: • adapted font size to be readable • new structure build info panel • more context based information • HUD context filters: all, most, some, crucial only, none. Crucial only is advised for experienced players. Power SystemPlease keep in mind that all config values are not 100% final yet. In case you encounter any oddities where specific mechanics are too strong or weak, please mention those and make sure to include a blueprint of the ship or structure where that is clearly the case.

There is an all new power system in this build. Old ships are still loadable and fully usable, but the old power and its related blocks are disabled in shops, creative mode and factories.

They can be re-enabled in the block editor if needed (set inShop to true) or you can still access them through the admin command /give “player_name” “block_name” if you’re an admin, or in single player. There is an option in the ServerConfig to completely disable the old power system should a server admin want that.

However, once a universe is started with the old power disabled, this option cannot be reverted, as that would lead to incompatibilities with the Structure and Reactor HP system and can lead to overheating of many structures. If old power is allowed, the system will detect which version to use based on the structure’s root entity (mothership, station or planet) and check if that has any old power blocks. All structures will be counted as “new” power until you place down an old power block at which point they will convert to the old system. This is mainly for game worlds to be fully functional and for players to get accustomed to the new system without rendering all their creations suddenly completely non-functional. How to use the new systemThis system makes ships work a lot differently.

All ships made in the old power system, will not translate well into the new system. Simply swapping out the old power blocks with new ones does not make that ship functional again. Instead, we advise you to remove all power blocks, shields, thrusters and usables to start from a clean slate. The best way to keep track of your power is to check the detailed power consumption in your reactor panel frequently (‘insert key’ by default, or use the radial menu with tab, or press ‘activate’ key when looking at a reactor block) On the surface, the new system is really simple.

You have your main reactor blocks which add power recharge to your ship; only a single reactor group is active at any given time. Power capacity itself is fixed and low, as all weapons and systems use power over time. Weapons need a minimal amount of power to function, and require a lot more while they’re reloading. If you don’t have enough recharge, it will simply charge it slower.

Other systems such as thrusters and jump drives, only use power when they’re in use. If your reactor group is small enough (. Power ConsumptionAs said, all modules now consume power over time.

You now have full control over what is going to be consumed first. Open the reactor panel (‘insert key’ default, or use the radial menu with tab), and you can prioritize certain systems.

This means that they will get power first in case your total power consumption is above 100%. So if you prefer your shields and thrusters to work over your giant cannon, you can do that now. It also regulates power that goes into your docks or turrets, giving you more control over their power consumption. Most systems have a linear power consumption increase that depends on the group size. The few systems that have no group size, instead of scale with the mass of your ship.

ChambersChambers are an all new feature to customize your ship with. We added over 100 different effects that you can activate with chambers. For this, an all new effect system was implemented to enable fast and save management over network. Chambers can be imagined as a skill tree. Each reactor only has a limited chamber capacity which chambers consume based on their type and level.

The difference to other skill trees is that here, you are physically building the tree yourself. You need to connect groups of chamber blocks with reactor conduits to the main reactor or each other.

Then you can open the reactor panel (‘insert key’ default, or use the radial menu with tab) and specify what exactly you want in your tree. The possible options will adapt based on what you build. There are eight general chambers currently: • Defense • FTL • Logistics • Mass • Mobility • Power • Recon • Stealth Some functionality is now available by default, like the jump drive and the scanner. Chambers can be used to make these a lot more powerful. Stealth and ReconEach ship now has a recon strength and stealth strength only if the respective scan/stealth drives are active.

The more recon you have over an enemy ship’s stealth strength, the more information you get about that ship. This ranges from simply seeing a cloaked ship to being able to see a ship’s reactor and weapons fully outlined.

For the weapon update we plan to add more to it and tweak it were needed. Respectively, to cloak or radar jam you need a higher stealth strength than the other ship’s recon strength. ShieldsShields have been reworked into local shields.

They now have a radius and only cover the blocks within. This includes docks. Only shields on the mothership will work to prevent abuse and maximize performance. The radius and recharge is based on the main recharger group, and so is its power consumption. The origin of the radius is the center of mass of that group and its capacity is determined from all shield capacity groups that are within the radius (up to 20 groups max).

If a local shield radius falls into another recharger group, only the bigger recharger group will stay active. Shield damage that falls into blocks covered by multiple local shields will do damage to all of them. While adding an interesting mechanic, this system is mainly to avoid building ships in ‘islands’ that are very far apart as you would need multiple groups to cover them, making it more expensive and power intensive to maintain the same shield HP for each of them than you would get if it was a single more concentrated shield group. IntegrityThis is a measure to prevent exploiting certain system shapes without constricting free building too much. This mechanic will likely not be relevant for most builders.

It is to prevent building ships that are too spaced out, mainly abusing line patterns. Most systems will now have an integrity value. This values starts fairly high and is modified based on how the group is built. If any block does not touch enough other blocks of that group, it will lose integrity. If it touches enough (up to 6 max), it will gain integrity. It can be set to scale differently in the config, allowing us to make sure normal builds do not get affected.

This means while single lines are now impossible to build while maintaining a positive integrity rating, anything “dense” enough is still ok. Thrusters count their integrity all in one, meaning that a checkerboard pattern will be the fastest way to lose it. Shield integrity is based on the lowest integrity of the rechargers and capacity groups within that local shield. For weapons and other computer + modules, it’s a separate integrity value for each group although this will be tweaked in the weapons update.

If integrity of a system is below zero, hitting that system will cause additional explosions across all groups of that same system. If a shielded ship with negative shield integrity is hit within its shield radius, the same will apply to the shield recharge groups and its capacity banks. Factory/Storage upgradeFactories can now be set to limit production. The factory will also stop pulling resources when that happens, only keeping enough in storage for one extra production step. Additionally, storage blocks can now be set to limit the amount of blocks to store per type, to stop pulling once that is reached. We will continue work on refining the GUI and fix issues/exploits that come up that need fixing for an actual release. Some content such as the tutorial videos and block descriptions are still being worked on, but will be available on the actual release.

The weapon update is next and is going to bring more balance and exciting additions to the system. We’ll be making a dev blog about most of its content Thanks to everyone helping us and thanks for playing StarMade, - The Schine Team. 19 November Greetings citizens, ~ As a lot of you probably know, we are in the process of refining and testing the power update. Dev builds are released almost daily and things are coming together nicely. We have no intention to rush the release as a large amount of existing systems need to be tested multiple times. While waiting on test results, development can already continue on parts of the future weapon update.

Most of its mechanics will already be done by the time the power update is out and should make it likely to release both updates within this year. We definitely want to start to work on the universe update in 2017 still, and we are excited to share the details with you right after the weapon update release. Within all of those updates, we will also continue working on stability and performance, especially further work to remove lag spikes or loading issues, including improvements to planet sectors. For now, we’ve reduced the default planet size further to decrease their impact on servers as an interim solution till they get replaced. The new power system will be able to run alongside the old power.

This means that ships spawned from blueprints will still be usable. However, the old power blocks cannot be crafted or bought in shops unless the server owner reactivates them, building new ships with old power is therefore discouraged, but of course not disabled. As both old and new power can co-exist, we’ve altered the config system to support multiple styles of the same value for system balancing.

This should help to make the transition as smooth as possible. A ship will be considered new power by default until an old power block is placed, in which case it would revert to the old power system, including structure hp and shields. Having the old system run alongside the new one of course added a bit of workload, but we think it is worth it to be able to compare both types in-game, showcasing the differences for any player. In addition to a new power system, several other features and changes were made along the way, which will, along with all the nuances of the new power system, be described in more detail in the coming pre-release news. A quick outline of those features besides the power system, and the chambers is: ~ Config manager system: Can be used to attach properties to any entities (e.g. Try out the full game for free in Alpha! We are currently offering the full version of the game for free on our demo.

This will be throughout Alpha as we believe a user wanting to purchase an open alpha game, should get to try out and test the current full state of the game first. We also need as many testers as possible, your reports, feedback and input is invaluable! Why should you purchase the game if it's currently free? • Support the developers! • Purchased users will still have access to the latest updates when the demo stops being supported/updated in beta. • Get it cheaper!

As more features are added, the price will progressively increase. This will benefit those who supported the game earlier. • We're adding upgraded only features to our Registry system, this will not directly affect any game features, however, it will give more access online. For example, blueprint hosting and multiple skin uploads for selection. What are you waiting for?

Click that demo button, and try out the full game for free! About This Game A voxel-based 3D sandbox set in the never-ending darkness of space. Create your own ships, explore new galaxies, stars and planets. Discover and salvage space stations, fight against pirates or opposing factions in multiplayer. Equip your ships with completely customisable weapons and conquer the galaxy. Trade and make a fortune, mass produce materials in gigantic factories.

Design your very own space station. Create warp gates and network the universe at your front door. The universe is a vast, mystical, beautiful, awe-inspiring place.

The universe is yours. Built for scalability to facilitate massive fully interactable objects, almost anything is possible. Gameplay elements have been skillfully constructed to bring the ultimate space sandbox experience. Dive into your own unique universe, and choose your path.

Key Features: • Procedurally generated infinite universe, with quadrillions of galaxies - The universe is massive. It'd take approximately 10,000 years to cross from one end to the other! Singleplayer and Multiplayer worlds can be heavily customised with our extensive config options. • Developed for scalability- We have a broad range of graphical and performance options that cater to our low-end users as well as those with heavy rigs and servers. • Advanced Build Tools - Powerful and easy to use building tools, quickly design awesome ships, stations and bases.

Including functions: Copy & paste, undo, redo, replace, symmetry modes, shape assistance systems (spheres, cycles, torus and more) and rotation of templates. • Modular Weapon Systems - Combine weapon systems for countless configurations of weapons.

From sniper beams to swarm missiles. • Comprehensive Rail & Logic Systems - Use the rail system to build moving parts. You can do anything from simple elevators, sliding or rotating doors, to complex cranes. Tinker with our logic systems to control any system in the game, be it weapons, lights, rails, or explosives. Logic covers all basic gate types for convenient use (AND, OR, NOT, DELAY, Flip-Flop), allows in flight control and wireless connections between entities. You can use it for simple things like timers, switches, buttons.

Or, build complex systems like working clocks and even a real CPU. • Community multiplayer (dedicated servers) - Play with others in our community hosted servers.

Our configs allow administrators to customise core game mechanics for a tailored experience. Most settings can be tweaked to squeeze the best performance out of hardware. • Platform independent (Windows, Linux, Mac) - StarMade is completely platform independent. We support the three most widely used operating systems. • Free to play in alpha - We offer the full game free to play while in alpha development.

Play our game through this period for free while in return we receive invaluable feedback and bug reports. Minimum: • OS: Windows 7 - 64 bit • Processor: Intel Core i3 (2nd Generation and above) AMD FX 6xxx or equivalent • Memory: 4 GB RAM • Graphics: Nvidia GeForce GTX 260, 275, 280, 460 SE, 550 Ti AMD Radeon HD 4870, 5770, 4890, 5830, 6770, 6790 or equivalent with OpenGL 2.1 • Network: Broadband Internet connection • Storage: 3 GB available space • Additional Notes: 2GB of memory must be available for StarMade. Lower specs may work by modifying graphics and other performance options. Try out our demo to get an indication for your system. System components such as Integrated Graphics cards may not be supported.

Requirements may change in further updates. Minimum: • OS: OS X Mountain Lion - 64 bit • Processor: Intel Core i5-750 @ 2.66GHz or equivalent • Memory: 4 GB RAM • Graphics: Radeon HD 4850 or equivalent. • Network: Broadband Internet connection • Storage: 3 GB available space • Additional Notes: Requirements are approximately the same as Windows/Linux. 2GB of memory must be available for StarMade. Lower specs may work by modifying graphics and other performance options. Try out our demo to get an indication for your system. System components such as Integrated Graphics cards may not be supported.

Requirements may change in further updates. Minimum: • OS: Ubuntu 14.04 - 64 bit • Processor: Intel Core i3 (2nd Generation and above) AMD FX 6xxx or equivalent • Memory: 4 GB RAM • Graphics: Nvidia GeForce GTX 260, 275, 280, 460 SE, 550 Ti AMD Radeon HD 4870, 5770, 4890, 5830, 6770, 6790 or equivalent with OpenGL 2.1 • Network: Broadband Internet connection • Storage: 3 GB available space • Additional Notes: 2GB of memory must be available for StarMade. Lower specs may work by modifying graphics and other performance options. Try out our demo to get an indication for your system.

System components such as Integrated Graphics cards may not be supported. Requirements may change in further updates. StarMade Blueprint Editor This editor allows changes to StarMade blueprints that are either difficult or too tedious to do with he official client. SMBEdit called from command prompt is compatible with both python2.7 and python3, and should work on all platforms. The graphical user interface of SMBEdit requires python3.6 and several extra pip packages. Using the GUI allows the import of 3D models from.stl and.obj files, if triangular facets are used. Installation instructions can be found at: A manual for command prompt usage and examples can be found there: Features: • Import 3D model from.obj,.stl (GUI only, experimental) • Auto-shape: Set wedges on edges or tetra/corner shapes on corners automatically. • Change entity type • Change entity class • Exchange all hull blocks with std./adv. Armor blocks or the other way around.

• Mirror entity at core/center at each axis. • Move core/center • Remove blocks • Removes outdated blocks • Replaces old style docked entities with rail docked entities. • Replace all blocks of a block type with another block type Restrictions This editor works with StarMade blueprints from v0.199.253 to v0.199.651. Older blueprint versions, smd2 and some old smd3, are not guaranteed to work. It is recommended to use the StarMade client to update a blueprint before using with SMBEdit.

But if you notice that the StarMade client fails to load some turret heads from some smd2 blueprints, try converting it with SMBEdit. Meta file / Docked entities Reading/manipulation of the 'meta.smbpm' file is very rudimentary at the moment and can lead to errors.

If a blueprint is deleted after loading a single player game, or it fails to upload, it probably is because of a faulty meta file. Write me an 'issue' on github, ideally with a link to the blueprint so I can try fixing it. Header file The statistical info of an entity, read from the 'header.smbph' file, is not updated after blocks are modified.

But this causes no known problems. Turrets / Docked entities Old style docked entities, docked to 'Turret Docking Unit' or 'Docking Module', are always converted to rail docked entities Bug Report and Suggestions: To report a bug or make a suggestion an 'issue' can be opened on, or send me a message. More information.