Public Transport Service Corporation

Public Service Logo Transport of New Jersey ( TNJ), earlier Public Service Transportation and then Public Service Coordinated Transport, was a (after 1928) and in the of from 1971 to 1980, when took over their operations. It was owned by the, now the. Public Service Transportation was formed in 1917 as a bus-operating subsidiary of the Public Service Corporation, supplementing the 's lines. In 1928, the operations of the two companies were merged to form Public Service Coordinated Transport. The name was changed to Transport of New Jersey in 1971, and the new took over their operations in 1980. Edgewater trolley terminal, early 20th century The Public Service Railway, owned by the Public Service Corporation of New Jersey, operated most of the in by the early 20th century.

Public Service lines stretched from northeast New Jersey to, and then south to and its suburbs. Major parts of the system were: • The, a two-level terminal in downtown. • The, an elevated railway from up the into and south to near. • The, an line mostly on private from to, and run by the Public Service Railroad. For many years, the only streetcar route still in operation was the #7 line, in the form of the. The #7 at the turn of the 21st century underwent a line rehabilitation including new modern light rail cars, and was extended northward into Bloomfield. Additionally, a portion of an old NCS spur tunnel to the abandoned (#13-Broad St., #27-Mt.

The Public Transport Service Corporation or better known as PTSC is the state-owned bus provider for Trinidad and Tobago. Its headquarters are at City Gate in Port of Spain Passengers have to buy the tickets at a ticket booth and show it to the driver. The fares vary with distance. There are two type of buses: the. View Telephone Numbers, contact information, addresses, reviews, prices and more for public transport service corporation in Trinidad & Tobago. Also find other.

Vehicle Transport Service

Prospect, and #43-Jersey City), another Public Service trolley conduit, has been rehabilitated and opened for service in 2006 as another portion of the subway, to serve as a connection between Newark's two train stations and provide access to the Performing Arts Center, Newark Bears Stadium, Washington Park and the Newark Public Library. The other two light rail systems in New Jersey and are built along freight railroad and public streets, and do not date back to Public Service days.

In later years, Public Service most routes; many of these lines are still run by and even use the same number. In 1928 the operations were merged with, which operated these buses, into. See also [ ] • • References [ ].

Since the beginning of the Semester the UWI/ SAN FERNANDO service has been consistently late and unreliable (sometimes doesn't come). This is already intolerabl e to students who cannot afford to live. On campus and rely on this affordable means of transport but to add insult to injury we have been receiving service from a bus that smells like a toilet. Literally..the stench of urine assaults one's senses from the beginning of the ride to the there is even blood on the window and ledge at one seat to make this latrine of human fluids even more deplorable.I am fed up and for this to be going on for two months is absolutely revolting. I am not the only person with a nose and eyes.ther efore I am left to assume drivers and workers are aware of x this and fix this now.

Thoroughly disgusted. Hope you all really strt to run dese PTSC Buses at more appropriat e times like for kids to attend/ leave school and n for ppl to go Hme afta Wrk!!

With d current taxi/maxi fares ppl wudnt b. Able to go anywhere! Avast Internet Security Final Licence Avastlic 2038440257. Cuz dey jus cnt afford it! Cus places like Biche n Mayaro dnt hv public transport at appropriat e hours dat kids hv to reach/ leave school not all schools provide maxi for kids some does hv to travel cuz there arent enough students attending dat particular school to provide a maxi! PTSC take yuh time on the road, a teacher got stuck by a bus on the priority bus route while heading to work.

Yesterday while crossing on South Quay a bus driver, decided to break the lights while pe. Destrians were crossing i had to run for my life to escaping death, thank God Im alive today, and luckily i was able to take a picture of the licence plate which i will include. Today again another accident guess who, yes a bus on the Churchill Roosevelt Hwy near to Boundary Road, San Juan. PTSC this is my compliant yuh have a serious problem fix it. Having first travelled with PTSC in 1986 as a child up to now, in cannot find anything good to say about thw quality of customer servive I receive.

Something is dreadfully wrong in this organizati on. Buses without air conditioni ng, nasty buses, and late buses. I don't travel via this service very often of late, but when I do, it's almost never a pleasant experience.

Today for example I got to the hub in Port of Spain at around 5.10pm and only left there an hour later. The schedule suggested that a bus would available at 5.20pm and every 20 mins after that until 6pm; the bus was made available at around 6.15pm. Prior to that bus arriving I called the Hotline and was told that tje bus would be delayed and that the problem was a shortage of available buses because of the Know you counrry tours.

To the management and staff, you all need to get you act together. I won't be traveling or recommendi ng anyone to use your service unless I see some drastic change in the way you all operate. It is getting worse, i came up with my own stress reliever, i leave work at 5, reaches city gate at about 5.20 for the latest and there is no 5.30 or 6p.m. Arima bus, i now pass through if there is a.

Bus all well and good, otherwise i go straight to the maxi hub and get home early, i am totally fed up, i live five rivers, why must i take more than an hour to get hour, never thought i would move to maxi service. Took a maxi yesterday, saw my neighbour who told me she got a piarco but, imagine, the csr telling she doesn't know if the bus would have fuel to go back out and is monthend why doesn't she take a maxi, i told her, before they have to tell me that, i went for one, out of place i must say.

I am so disappoint ed in the driver of HCC 1036 leaving Sangre Grande at 7pm 27 5 14. A passenger spoke to him repeatedly about talking on a cell phone while driving and he was pissed. I pressed the st. Op bell he passed my stop straight desputing that there isnt a stop there, a place where I grew went to school taking bus on a daily basis,caus e that was our means of transport or walk.I said well go ahead i am not walking back that distant this hour.He stopped at the next corner stayed there for almost 30 minutes with a bus full of passengers saying the bus shut down.while pleasing himself he did let us know that he is a police officer giving us his number that which I cannot remember.I want to know if I am supposed to be afraid and not speak cause he's a PO. This morning friday 27 November, 2015.

I took the fyzabad to port of spain special around 4:45am from fyzabad in heavy rain. The bus driver was getting wet from rain falling through hidden cracks in. He said look at how getting wet. The first four seats on either side no one was sitting because water was also dripping from the ceiling. So everyone who got on had to HOPE to get a seat to the back of the bus that wasn't leaking. It was a leaky cauldron.

One passenger remarked that we were at waterfall. So the driver took us to san fernando to get another bus only to be told that we be given a coach but it would be stopping Preysal etc. I told the despatcher that it was unfair to us fyzo ppl because we were already late.

But the despatcher insisted that they didn't have any more buses. I'm truly disgusted by ptsc and their treatment of fyzabad ppl and the wider public. We are always getting buses that are either shutting down, leaking, late, the drivers dont like the route etc. How long must we tolerate this sort of service. And dont talk about the CSR. The one in the san fernando coach service with the big fake bun in her hair dont know how to talk to ppl. She feels that she is the boss.

News flash to her you are a CSR stop acting like u own the bus! And its time for PTSC management to do some walking of the terminals to get some blows that the CSRs and drivers does be getting. PTSC doesnt even deserve a single star!!! And before I forget a woman had to even open her umbrell in the bus. Better they fire all management at PTSC. #disgusted customer #fireallma ngement. PTSC, I am most disappoint ed in your service.

I had sworn I would no longer use your services for travel but when the New Year rolled over there seemed to be some improvemen t until the past month. Have fallen back into the same drum beat.

There hasn't been any significan t change in your customer service, only 'a little pretend to be first world' show for the tourists during the Carnival season. The buses are still late so against one of yr minister’s advice that we cannot set our watches to the buses.I would rather not. When the buses are late and one enquirers at the informatio n booth or the hot line, which barely works, one would learn that there aren't enough buses available to put on the road; so what ever happened to that grand budget that you received last year to repair and or purchase new machinery? All I see is new paint and new shopping stalls cropping up around the waiting area blocking out the air supply, stifling the passengers. I wonder where that money goes when these stores pay their rent?

It can't be for up keep of the place cause all I can see is new paint and not the best quality or ybe it's a special oxygen releasing brand.hmm.W hat is the purpose of all those flat screen television s that are on the walls? Some were taken down, some never came back. And while we on that subject, what is the purpose of showing us those winter places with skiing and snow it a facade to get the passengers to imagine the coolness of the snow while you block out our cool Caribbean breeze with those shops? Another thing when you all don't fix the buses and passengers go for the maxi taxis who benefits?

I am quite aware that some PTSC employees are maxi taxi owners so they don't lose out, it's a win-win monopoly for only PTSC and their cohorts. The most insulting thing is to here ppl complain and one of the many ministers would come down to say everything is all honky dory. Of course they don't have to face the poor service we get every day and night. Furthermor e, when the buses turns up one would swear the driver learnt to drive at grand theft auto.

What is the point in putting up a bus schedule and you don't have the buses available to cover the time slot. In addition to which there are two Arima lines (all stop and ECS) neither of them is on time and worse yet at night time.

Please provide are enough buses, with proper air vents and Air conditioni ng. Arima should get the same treatment as San Fernando.

You don’t know how many people rely on this service. When you or your relative complains about the public services and the other Government offices, think about how your poor service could have contribute d to that. Allot of public service officers depend on PTSC transport to get to and from work and when you fail to get us there on time we fall behind in giving service to someone else, might even be you. 1 extra star because the prices are still the cheapest. However, the service is inefficien t, sometimish, in need of restructur ing and backward. Get into the present times; what about bus swipe cards? What about keeping PTSC online presence (inclusive of website and all social media) properly updated?

Update communicat ion systems and put dispatcher s/ information booths at key stops to inform passengers. Why at Curepe Junction terminus I can't find out if the bus is late, not coming or just left? Get it together PTSC! On Sunday 14th June, the PTSC initiated its first beach clean up exercise with the Sangre Grande Regional Corporation.

Chairman Terry Rondon welcomed the initiative in areas which fell under his purview at the SGRC. The PTSC was welcomed heartily in the Toco area by Chairman Rondon.

The weather held up for the cleanup exercise with a joint effort from PTSC and SGRC bagging over three truck loads of debris and seaweed. After the hardwork was over the volunteers enjoyed a wide. Variety of local dishes prepared by Chairman Rondon and his team.

Public Transport Service Corporation Slogan Driving for Excellence Founded May 1st 1965 Headquarters,. Locale Service area Nationwide Service type Hubs,, Fleet +300 Website The Public Transport Service Corporation or better known as PTSC is the state-owned bus provider for. Its headquarters are at in (formerly the headquarters).

Passengers have to buy the tickets at a ticket booth and show it to the driver. The fares vary with distance. There are two type of buses: the blue-and-white buses are the regular and the red-and-white are the express commuter buses. The latter are more expensive, make fewer stops and are more comfortable. Contents • • • • • History [ ] Trinidad began with the establishment of the Trinidad Railway Company in 1846. The Company surveyed the country with the intention of implementing a railway system.

However, the finances needed to continue with this project were not available. Subsequently, on Saturday 5 March 1859 the Cipero Tramroad became Trinidad’s first railway. It was planters’ line that passed between Mission (now Princes Town) and Kings Wharf at San Fernando. It was used primarily to transport produce from the remote estates of the Naparimas out to Kings Wharf to waiting ships. The man responsible for this tramway was sugar planter William Eccles. The tramway was used primarily for transporting produce but there was a great demand for the transportation of workers from one estate to another along the line.

A number of prominent persons also indicated their desire to commute by tramway rather than by horseback. The owners of the tramways could not ignore the demands of the commuters and facilitated a few passengers; this started the tramway’s first passenger service. It also acted as the first postal service between San Fernando and Mission.

The Cipero Tramroad was greatly successful and lasted up to the 1920s before it was absorbed into the Trinidad Government Railway. [ ] City Service [ ] PTSC city service is a service which operates within both [Port Of Spain] and [San Fernando] Know Your Country Tours [ ] This tour begins at the historic Railway Building, South Quay, Port of Spain and journeys to the South East Coast of the island.

Along the way, patrons will learn about places of interest, our people’s history and local folklore. On approaching the coast, patrons will get the opportunity to see the splendor of the mouth of the Ortoire River. This river is fifty (50) km long and extends into the Atlantic Ocean. Fishes and manatees are abundant in these waters. Patrons will also be afforded the opportunity to observe the beauty of Manzanilla Beach, and enjoy the scenic drive through Manzanilla Road which is lined with coconut trees and the Atlantic Ocean running along its coastline. The name Manzanilla was derived from Spanish sailors in the 18th century, because it was thickly covered with small round poisonous fruits called manchineels. These fruits resembled small apples and thus the name Manzanilla (“small apples”) The final point of interest along this route is Mayaro.

Mayaro is one of the earliest villages in Trinidad. It was an Arawak settlement before the arrival of the Spanish. The name “Mayaro” means place of the maya plant; which was of great importance to the Amerindians. Here, patrons can indulge themselves in beach activities or simply just enjoy the sound of the crashing waves.

Travel Card [ ] The PTSC Travel Card gives a choice of unlimited travel along specific routes being operated by the Public Transport Service Corporation. In 1993, the Travel Card alternative was introduced and to date its Membership has steadily increased.

[ ] Fleet [ ].