Auto Loot Hackrf

A wild Python appeared, and it wants to play Pokemon Go. Python bots are taking over the game when you can’t, and they are good.

Since you’re likely to bump into one sooner or later, here’s an overview: One of the first workable bots and the origin of a lot of (dirty) code, as well as the (not dirty at all) Pokemon Trainer Club client secret, is. One of his initial goals was to make better sense of the API, which worked out better than he hoped. Not wanting to impetuously destroy the numerous helpful applications that had been built upon the already partially known API, he decided to keep the project off Niantic’s radar.

The most recent (and most powerful) version of his bot has not been released. The current version works fine within its limited functionality: Wandering around and looting Pokestops. Posted in, Tagged,,. Since Pokemon Go blew up the world a couple of weeks ago we’ve been trying to catch ’em all. Not the Pokemon; we’ve been trying to collect all the hardware hacks, and in particular the most complete GPS spoofing hack. We are now ready to declare.

It broadcasts fake GPS signals to your phone allowing the player to “walk around” the real world using a gaming joystick. Just about everything about this looks right to us.

They’re transmitting radio signals and are doing the responsible thing by using an RF shield box that includes a GPS antenna. Hardware setup means popping the phone inside and hooking up the signal generator and GPS evaluation hardware. Google Earth then becomes the navigation interface — a joystick allows for live player movements, coordinates are converted to GPS signals which are transmitted inside of the box. Now, we did say “just about right”. First off, that RF shielding box isn’t going to stop your fake GPS signals when you leave the lid open (done so they can get at the phone’s touchscreen). That can probably be forgiven for the prototype version, but it’s that accelerometer data that is a bigger question mark. When we looked at the previous and the for Pokemon Go there were a number of people leaving comments that Niantic, the devs responsible for Pokemon Go, will eventually realize you’re cheating because accelerometer data doesn’t match up to the amount of GPS movement going on.

Is there a comand or something to loot everything from a chest at once? The number of times I've seen the entire inventory of a chest vanish in the. RF ONLINE, AUTO CLICK, AUTO LOOT, AUTO SKILL You last visited: Today at 09:36 Please register to post and access all features. RF Online Dalant and Gold Drop Wihout.

What do you think? Is this app sophisticated enough to pick up on this type of RF hacking?

Mu Auto Loot

Posted in, Tagged,,. [Pepijn de Vos] was excited to interact with the world’s most popular augmented reality pedometer, Pokemon Go, and was extremely disappointed to find that his Blackberry couldn’t run it. Still, as far as he could tell from behind his wall of obsolete technology, Pokemon Go is all about walking distractedly, being suspicious, and occasionally catching a Pokemon.. Not a stranger to hacking, [Pepijn] put together a plan. Using his TCPoke module, he took it a step further. Rather than just emulating the original gameboy trade signals over the internet, he hacked a Pokemon Red ROM with some custom Z80 assembly to add some features to the Cable Club in the game.

After some waiting for the delivery man to bring a flashable cartridge and along with some Arduino code, he could now translate the steps he took in the game to his steps in the real world. Well, mostly. He could pick the location where he would like to catch a Pokemon.

The character stands there. Somewhere around 100m the game will trigger a random pokemon battle. [Pepijn] is now no longer a social outcast, as you can see in the video after the break.

On a simple trip to the grocery store he caught two Pokemon! Posted in, Tagged,,,,. Using Xcode to spoof GPS locations in Pokemon Go () isn’t that much of a hack, and frankly, it’s not even a legit GPS spoof. After all, it’s not like we’re. To [Stefan Kiese], this isn’t much more than an exercise. He’s not even playing Pokemon Go. To squeeze a usable GPS signal out of his HackRF One, a $300 Software Defined Radio, [Stefan] uses an external precision clock.

This makes up for the insufficient calibration of the HackRF’s internal clock, although he points out that this. Posted in,,, Tagged,,,,,,,,, Posts navigation.

KACE AUTO LOOT 2.2 New! Spanish Translate thanks xlwarrior: You have a previous version: Delete all of this, if you still have this file (NexusModManager should remove it): in Data/scripts: KaceActorChestWeight.pex KaceBodyscr.pex Kaceitemusescrip.pex KaceMAGefect.pex KaceTestContainer.pex menu_KCL.pex QF_KaceGiveKALchest_020073E3.pex weigtscript.pex Don't worry about next update you will not have to do this anymore. If you encounter some trouble, or menu not showing please try to make a clean save before installing (Delete all the mod files, launch and save the game without the mod, then install it and launch this save). Video Demonstration: Version 2.2 requested new features (Autoloot on activation & option for effects): Update history: Version 2.2 Added option for autoloot on activation. Added option for choosing size of the particle effect or get rid of it. Removed bad textures on the chest.

Removed one useless script and some lines codes. Mod resources is now packed on a '.bsa' archive.

The Kace Auto loot chest! ( BETA ) Drop it to open it. You are now able to choose exactly what you want for autoloot, Just put this ingredient you need for creating your potion or this misc item that is not 'categorised' or any others item in the game and you will never miss the chance to loot it! BETA Feature: It seems that the chest completly disapear if there not enough space to spawn it, so open it only when you are in a 'large' area (large is a big word, just be sure to have enough space for the chest to spawn in front of you) The chest save the 'Base' of the object you give it. That mean if you put in a modified item, you will lost the modification on your object.

It will give you back the same object without your customized enchanting!!!! Dont put in something you really dont want to lose!!!!!!

Never put in something you created, modified, enchanted! Please take care! Description ----------------------- I was feeling tired to check every dead body for finding money and arrows and sometimes i can do an entire cave/dungeon without checking anything but the big boss. In this way i know i let lot of money or arrows back, and i think its the same for everyone. So, i created this mod for my personal use, as this was very usefull, then i decided to work more on it, create a mcm menu and add some options for the release. Kace auto loot let you choose what you want for auto looting or you can completly disable it at any time.

Installation ----------------------- Use Nexus Manager or Extract the.ESP and Scriptsfolder to your Skyrim Data folder. This mod dont need anything to work, but if you want the menu you need the SKSE and SkyUI (version 3.1 and more). If you want the menu and you dont have SKSE and SkyUI, Install in this order: SKSE: SkyUI: and, Kace Auto Loot Infos ----------------------- If you dont have Skse and SkyUI you cant use the menu. The mod still work properly without and you can activate what you want for autoloot with 2 simples console commands: 1 - Type 'Help KCL 3' (without quotes) for the complete variables list for this mod and to see what is enabled or not. 2 - Then, if you want to disable KCLMoney for example, type 'Set KCLMoney to 0'. Type 'Set KCLMoney to 1' if you want to enable it. 0 Means disabled, 1 is enabled.

Dont Mind about the command 'KCLValue' it was for future implementing but actually not working!

For those of you new to AutoLoot (originally by JupiterTheGod), it streamlines the looting process in The Witcher 3. Items that you wish to always pick up will now be automatically looted from all containers. This mod builds on the strong foundations of AutoLoot and AutoLoot Enhanced (by CarbonAlabel) to create a unified, optimized, and customizable experience for AutoLoot. This mod aims to completely remove the necessity for 'special versions' of AutoLoot, as well as the need to edit code to get your mod to do what you want. I've also taken some creative freedoms, with permission of the original author, and created new filters to cover items that were not originally part of AutoLoot.

Finally, for those of you who do not want to be slowed down by the tedious looting of caves, houses, and the countless places that contain tons of containers, I've developed True AutoLoot Mode. This mode continuously searches for loot that matches your user configuration settings, and picks it up, without any input/interaction needed from the user. Special care was taken to optimize this process, and I can say with confidence that I've finally gotten it to a point where this is no performance impact from using this feature. I actively monitor for suggestions, bug reports, and feedback, so if you think something is missing, should be changed, or have found an issue with the mod, please post your thoughts!

IMPORTANT INFORMATION (PLEASE READ!) • DELETE/UNINSTALL any previous/other versions of AutoLoot, including this mod (DO NOT OVERWRITE) • Once you finish following the instructions, run Script Merger (get it if you don't have it) • RETURNING USERS: If you are updating from version 2.x.x, YOU MUST STILL RUN SCRIPT MERGER (this will hopefully be the last update to require this) • FIRST TIME USERS: Make sure to at least load a game and see the 'Default settings loaded' or 'Update installed' message before configuring your preferences, otherwise they will be overwritten. • ALL USERS: Make sure you install the config menu even if you are updating from 2.x.x (3.0 implements new menu options). BUGS: None known at this time. Q: Will this mod work on 1.X version of the game?

A: This is intended for versions 1.30 and 1.31. Anything before that will not compile. Q: Why is True AutoLoot Mode and/or Radius Loot picking up items behind walls and below ground (like in caves)? A: This is due to the way the mod is searching for containers to loot. These functions implement a spherical area to search for containers -- and there is not a currently known method of determining what 'accessible means' (to some, this might mean if you can walk to it, but to others this might mean in the same building). Collision detection does not seem to work properly on containers either.

I am still working on a method to adjust this behavior. Q: Can I use this mod without installing the menu? All functions within this mod rely on the values set by your menu options. Additionally, there is no way to save settings to the configuration file if the menu is not installed (this is inherent game behavior, nothing this mod can do about that). Zahir Pos Full Systems. I do not plan to make a non-menu version. Q: Do I have to follow the keybinding instructions (marked OPTIONAL)?

A: As indicated above, no you do not. However, if you don't follow the input.settings section, you will not be able to use Radius Loot.

Additionally, you will be required to manually change the 'Use True AutoLoot Mode' setting to ON in order to use that feature. If you do not follow the input.xml section, you will not be able to adjust your keybindings with the in-game Settings menu.

Q: After remapping my keybindings in the Settings menu, why are they not working? A: You most likely have conflicting actions in input.settings. Open that file located in Documents/The Witcher 3, and search for either (Action=AutoLootRadius) or (Action=ToggleTrueAutoLoot) -- whichever keybinding isn't working. If you have duplicates under the same [Section], delete the additional entries (they will most likely be one after the other).

Save input.settings and rebind your key in the Settings menu. Q: I'm getting compile errors, help?! A: First and foremost, these compile errors are not caused by this mod.

You are using an outdated mod in your load order that is causing these compile errors. Recheck and update your mod list, and re-merge your scripts with script merger and try to compile again. CONSOLE COMMANDS The new console commands have two formats, one with the 'ahdal_' prefix, to indicate they're for use with this mod. These commands will have no affect on your game settings or other mods. The second is commands without a prefix. These commands are not unsafe to use, but if you use parameters for other mods, or settings from vanilla config menu items, it is possible to change those values outside the scope of this mod. Again, it's difficult to mess up your settings, but just be careful when/if experimenting.

Pink/purple parameters are REQUIRED, blue parameters are OPTIONAL (as indicated). I don't believe quotes or apostrophes are required to use these functions (I believe the console automatically casts the parameter to the required data type). Ahdal_reset Resets all settings to their default values.

This is the same as selecting the 'Full Reset' option in the Settings menu. You will get a banner across the middle of the screen indicating the default values were successfully loaded. Ahdal_loadpreset( preset ) Loads the specified preset. You will get a banner across the middle of the screen indicating the preset was successfully loaded. The applicable values for preset are (case-sensitive): • loadPresetHerb • loadPresetCorpse • loadPresetHerbCorpse • loadPresetOneItem • loadPresetValuableGear • loadPresetWeightless Example: ahdal_loadpreset( loadPresetHerbCorpse ) -->Loads the settings for 'Herbs and Corpses Preset' ahdal_clearnotifications Clears all information stored in the AutoLoot notification manager. This command will display a notification in the lower left for 7.5 seconds indicating what was cleared.

If you are out of combat, this should almost always give you 0.000 for everything -- the only exception is if you use this in the middle of combat, or somehow execute this command in the split second it takes Radius Loot/True AutoLoot to loot containers. Getconfigval( group, setting, optional time ) Gets the value stored in the config wrapper class (pulls from your user.settings file) under the section [group] for the variable named setting (this is meant for debugging to check certain values of XML menus without opening the menu, which could trigger other functions). Optionally, you can provide an integer time to indicate how long (in seconds) to display the notification with the parsed information. All parameters are case-sensitive. Example: getconfigval( 'Gameplay', 'AutomaticFinishersEnabled', 10 ) -->Displays (true/false) setting value for 'Disable Automatic Finishers' option for 10 seconds setconfigval( group, setting, val, optional time, optional save ) Sets the value in the config wrapper in the section [group] for the variable named setting with the value val. Optionally, you can provide an integer time to indicate how long (in seconds) to display the notification with the parsed information. Additionally, you can optionally provide a bool value (true/false) for save to indicate whether or not to save this value to user.settings (the difference between the two is without a true value for save, the value will not persist if you don't save your game).

Example: s etconfigval( 'AHDAutoLoot_true', 'trueAutoLootTime', 2.0,, true ) -->Saves the True AutoLoot Mode refresh time to 2 seconds in user.settings; displays notification for default time (5 seconds by default) getplayerpos( optional mode, optional showTarget, optional time ) Displays a notification with X, Y, and Z coordinates of the player's position (by default uses GLOBAL coordinates). You can pass the string local for the mode parameter to indicate using local coordinates (I'm not sure what the difference is between global and local coordinates, could be something to do with different world states). You can pass a bool value showTarget to indicate also displaying your target's coordinates (this is a bit misleading -- the 'target' is your current entity focus, like a container, candle, or door; I don't believe this works with enemies). Finally, you can optionally provide an integer time to indicate how long (in seconds) to display the notification with the parsed information. Example: getplayerpos(, true ) -->Displays the player's and target's X, Y, and Z world coordinates for the default amount of time (5 seconds).