The Witcher 3 Xp Fix Mods Problem

All Mods are for Witcher 3 Patch 1.31. The GOTY variants are for Witcher 3 GOTY Patch 1.31. Installation ===== extract contant of the archive into the folder.

Hey guys there is a mod up at Nexus that seems to fix the no experience bug. I am installing it and trying it so I'll report back how it works, but the comments seem to suggest it works as advertised. A couple of points to consider: 1. It is different than CDPR's intended patch will be in that this mod DOES give experience for gray quests, and CDPR's patch, at least last I heard, does not intend to change this aspect of the game.

This is something the developers want in the game, but this mod has removed that aspect of the game. By removing the no experience for gray quests stipulation it seems to have solve the no experience bug users have experienced. So I suppose this explains the difficulty the devs are having finding a solution to the problem--there must be a conflict in the coding between some quests giving experience and not others which is causing the bug to occur, and by removing the stipulation completely the bug goes away. For those of you who don't mind getting the extra XP on gray quests, don't find it cheating, then this might be a good option for you. I don't mind, so I'm going to try it. I just like leveling up. Anyway, hope this information is helpful.

Well I've been running it and it definitely gives experience for gray quests. I can't speak to the bug issue as I never had that problem. I did have my first crash to desktop ever in 50 hours of playing when I fast traveled, but susequent fast travels have been fine. I understand waiting. For me I like this mod because I like getting experience for quests, but I understand wanting to play as CDPR intends.

Just thought I'd put it out there. It seems to me a lot of people assume the official patch will fix the gray quest issue when it won't; I was listening to a podcast yesterday and I may be wrong, (Bombcast or something?) but I felt like one of those guys implied that the patch would fix the no experience for quests, including gray quests.

I may have been reading into his comments a bit as he was vague.

Having played through the game and all DLC twice and spent over 200 hours, I personally recommend the, which is basically a high quality texture pack, (having to find a sign post can be annoying, but be careful with that one, don't use it during quests etc and its not very immersive if you're into that), N, (this one hides HUD elements, you can tell it to show them only if you're in combat or not at all, the game is beautiful and you get to see so much more of it without the constant HUD on the screen. It can also give you in world waypoints so you don't have to stare at the minimap while on a quest), M (propably don't use that on a first playthrough, it can make you overpowered so quickly),,, (by default they're all really poor and you have to go find another to dump all your trash) and.

Witcher mods are pretty easy to apply most of the time, just copy them into your mods folder. Some, like the HUD mod, need more advanced setup but it'll have a readme to tell you that. After applying your desired mods, you'll most likely have to merge your scripts with this since otherwise multiple mods can't modify the same behaviour script. Other than that I'd recommend you play on Blood and Broken Bones, it might seem hard at first, but you get strong real fast. Don't skip on the Witcher item sets, they all have a little treasure hunt associated with them and are often worth getting since they can be pretty strong, especially the DLC ones, as they have set bonuses attached to them. Etoken Pki Client Driver. Also, most of the side quests in this game are actually really good and worth doing.

Other than that, take your time and enjoy the world, it is a really great game. I'm playing through the game right now on deathmarch difficulty and I'm just past the whole Barron thing. The further you go, the easier it gets.

At the start, get sun and stars for the health regen thing. Also use Quen. Only use quen. All other signs are worthless in comparison to quen. Its alternate mode is the best heal you'll find in the game and using it normally gives you a Ghosts n' Goblins shield that absorbs any hit for no damage, no matter how hard.

Get your stamina regen up, spam the sidestep, and you're practically invincible. : Man I'm sorry, but I've got to disagree with you on the whole Sun and Stars thing. After a few levels it's entirely useless given the size of your health pool and just carrying around some food gets you the same health regen effect without needing to waste a skill point. Your better off rushing Quen to get the health-absorb from blocking damage. If you do everything in White Orchard you should have enough levels plus places of power to get the alt-Quen. Also, Quen got changed in one of the patches so it no longer absorbs everything that gets thrown at you.

Real powerful shots will punch through it now. : Man I'm sorry, but I've got to disagree with you on the whole Sun and Stars thing. After a few levels it's entirely useless given the size of your health pool and just carrying around some food gets you the same health regen effect without needing to waste a skill point. Your better off rushing Quen to get the health-absorb from blocking damage.

If you do everything in White Orchard you should have enough levels plus places of power to get the alt-Quen. Also, Quen got changed in one of the patches so it no longer absorbs everything that gets thrown at you.

Real powerful shots will punch through it now. I'll second this advice against using sun and stars. You're much better off using 'gourmet.' It makes the healing effect of food last 20 minutes.

I still can't believe it's in the game, because it's super OP. It makes swallow/white raffards entirely pointless. You basically just have to drink water every 20 minutes and you'll have constant health regen.

All food and drink heal at minimum the same amount as basic swallow and food and water are extremely plentiful. : Man I'm sorry, but I've got to disagree with you on the whole Sun and Stars thing. After a few levels it's entirely useless given the size of your health pool and just carrying around some food gets you the same health regen effect without needing to waste a skill point. Your better off rushing Quen to get the health-absorb from blocking damage. If you do everything in White Orchard you should have enough levels plus places of power to get the alt-Quen.

Also, Quen got changed in one of the patches so it no longer absorbs everything that gets thrown at you. Real powerful shots will punch through it now. It's useless once you fully level quen's alternate fire, but that's not going to happen until at least level 4 unless you bum-rush the places of power right after the prologue. You get a respec potion later on, and the single skill point spent to make your life easier early on is going to make almost no difference since from my experience, the prologue is by far the hardest bit of the game on death march, I'd say it's worth it. Definitely get the mod. That's one area where CDPR really dropped the ball. The vanilla trophies are useless and redundant whereas this mod makes each trophy much more unique.

You may consider it a change to 'content' but it's a small change that makes a major improvement to the gameplay. You'll see what I mean after you find the umpteenth '+5% XP from Human and Non-Human enemies' trophy on vanilla settings. And +1 to the Quen argument. I can't believe I played almost 100 hours of that game before using the alt-Quen.

Needless to say, I seriously learned the advantages of it once I started playing the expansion quests. EDIT: Just saw your comment on hairworks. You shouldn't have a problem with using hairworks. They added a lot of hairworks related options post-launch: • Hairworks AA • Hairworks for just Geralt vs Hairworks for all • I could be wrong, but I think there's a low/high setting for the hairworks quality Between those settings you should have no problem using hairworks with a 1070. I have a 970 and have it set to 2x AA/Low and have no problem running the game. : Man I'm sorry, but I've got to disagree with you on the whole Sun and Stars thing.

After a few levels it's entirely useless given the size of your health pool and just carrying around some food gets you the same health regen effect without needing to waste a skill point. Your better off rushing Quen to get the health-absorb from blocking damage. If you do everything in White Orchard you should have enough levels plus places of power to get the alt-Quen. Also, Quen got changed in one of the patches so it no longer absorbs everything that gets thrown at you. Real powerful shots will punch through it now. I'll second this advice against using sun and stars. You're much better off using 'gourmet.'

It makes the healing effect of food last 20 minutes. I still can't believe it's in the game, because it's super OP. It makes swallow/white raffards entirely pointless.

You basically just have to drink water every 20 minutes and you'll have constant health regen. All food and drink heal at minimum the same amount as basic swallow and food and water are extremely plentiful. Ok that I can see. I wasn't aware gourmet worked that well. : I just finished playing through it the other day, and having known not one single thing about the first two witchers I was totally fine.

They give a decent amount of context for Geralts various relationships naturally throughout the story, and extra history and finer details are available in a character lore menu. There's a few story beats that are tied to decisions from witcher 2, but they let you manually make the handful of decisions in a short cutscene, and honestly no matter what you decide the changes are pretty minor.

Do all the secondary quests involving characters that you meet during the main story quests, such as Triss and Keira. Those usually have an impact (not always pronounced) on the world, or even the main quests.

Other than that, I'd say try not to exceed the recommended levels for the main quests in particular. Main story quests typically net you the largest gains of experience points, so it'd be a shame to lose that. And yeah, if you're trying to figure out what type of build to go for, take the Witcher gear into consideration. Crafting Grandmaster Witcher gear is likely to drain your resources, and eventually, you'll have to make a choice that is, more or less, irreversible.