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Designated 1946 Pittsburgh ( ) is a city in the of in the, and is the of. As of 2017, a total population of 305,704 lives within the city limits, making it the 63rd- The population of 2,353,045 is the largest in both the and, the second-largest in Pennsylvania (behind ), and the Located at the confluence of the,, and rivers, Pittsburgh is known as both 'the Steel City' for its more than 300 -related businesses, and as the 'City of Bridges' for its. The city features,, a and the at the confluence of the rivers. The city developed as a vital link of the and, as the mineral-rich made the area coveted by the and empires,,, and. Aside from steel, Pittsburgh has led in manufacturing of,,,,,,,,, and. For part of the 20th century, Pittsburgh was behind only and in corporate headquarters employment; it had the most U.S. America's 1980s laid off area and thousands of when the longtime Pittsburgh-based world headquarters moved out.

This heritage left the area with renowned,,,,, a diverse and the most per capita in the U.S. Today,,,,,,,, and are among 1,600 technology firms generating $20.7 billion in annual Pittsburgh payrolls. The area has served as the long-time federal agency headquarters for,,, and the. The area is home to, including leaders and the. The nation's, eight companies, and six of the top 300 U.S. Law firms make their global headquarters in the Pittsburgh area, while,,,, and have regional bases that helped Pittsburgh become the sixth-best area for U.S.

In 2015, Pittsburgh was listed among the 'eleven most livable cities in the world'; 's placed Pittsburgh as the first- or second-most livable city in the United States in 2005, 2009, 2011, 2012 and 2014. The region is a hub for, sustainable energy, and energy extraction. 1669–1758 1681–1781 1776–present Pittsburgh was named in 1758 by, in honor of British statesman.


The original pronunciation would have been or, matching similarly named places in Great Britain such as in Scotland and in Suffolk. Pittsburgh was incorporated as a township in 1771 and as a on April 22, 1794, with the following Act: 'Be it enacted by the and of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.by the authority of the same, that the said town of Pittsburgh shall be.erected into a borough, which shall be called the borough of Pittsburgh for ever.' The current pronunciation, which is extremely unusual in English speaking countries, is almost certainly a result of a printing error in some copies of the of March 18, 1816 (though not on the original document). The error was repeated commonly enough throughout the rest of the 19th century that the original pronunciation was lost and in 1890 the 'h' was removed in order to make it easier to spell. After a public campaign the original spelling was officially restored by the in 1911.

The area of the Ohio headwaters was long inhabited by the and several other settled groups of. The first known European to enter the region was the French explorer/trader from during his 1669 expedition down the. European pioneers, primarily Dutch, followed in the early 18th century. Michael Bezallion was the first to describe the forks of the Ohio in a 1717 manuscript, and later that year European established area posts and settlements.

Quantum Field Theory by Lewis H. Ryder, Cambridge University Press, 487 pages, Second Edition (1996). Ryder's work and finished a over–two–hundred page Ph.D dissertation under my friend and mentor Professor. In the first chapter the reader is be introduced to the a “synopsis of particle physics,” with the request,.

In 1749, French soldiers from launched an expedition to the forks to unite Canada with via the rivers. During 1753–54, the British hastily built before a larger French force drove them off. The French built based on LaSalle's 1669 claims.

The, the North American front of the, began with the future Pittsburgh as its center. British General was dispatched with Major as his aide to take Fort Duquesne. The British and colonial force were defeated. Finally took the forks in 1758. Forbes began construction on, named after while the settlement was named 'Pittsborough'. During, native tribes conducted a for two months until Colonel relieved it after the.

Fort Pitt is notable as the site of an early use of for. Lord ordered blankets contaminated from smallpox victims to be distributed in 1763 to the tribes surrounding the fort.

The disease spread into other areas, infected other tribes, and killed hundreds of thousands. [ ] During this period, the powerful nations of the, based in New York, had maintained control of much of the Ohio Valley as hunting grounds by right of conquest after defeating other tribes.

By the terms of the 1768, the were allowed to purchase the modern region from the. A 1769 survey referenced the future city as the 'Manor of Pittsburgh'.

Both the and the claimed the region under their colonial charters until 1780, when they agreed under a federal initiative to extend the westward, placing Pittsburgh in Pennsylvania. On March 8, 1771 was created to govern the frontier. On April 16, 1771, the city's first civilian local government was created as Pitt Township.

William Teagarden was the first constable, and William Troop was the first clerk. Following the, the village of Pittsburgh continued to grow. One of its earliest industries was boat building for settlers of the. In 1784, Thomas Viceroy completed a town plan which was approved by the Penn family attorney. Pittsburgh became a possession of Pennsylvania in 1785.

The following year, the was started, and in 1787, the was chartered. Unrest during the of 1794 resulted in federal troops being sent to the area.

By 1797, glass manufacture began, while the population grew to around 1,400. Settlers came via routes over the Appalachian Mountains or through the Great Lakes. (now Pittsburgh) at the source of the Ohio River became the main base for settlers moving into the. Downtown facade memorializing Pittsburgh's with an image of legendary steelworker The cut off the supply of British goods, stimulating American industry. By 1815, Pittsburgh was producing significant quantities of iron, brass, tin, and glass. On March 18, 1816, the 46-year-old local government became a city. In the 1830s, many from the steelworks immigrated to the city following the aftermath of the.

By the 1840s, Pittsburgh was one of the largest cities west of the. The destroyed over a thousand buildings in 1845. The city rebuilt with the aid of Irish immigrants and by 1857, Pittsburgh's 1,000 factories were consuming 22 million coal bushels yearly. Coal mining and iron manufacturing attracted waves of European immigrants to the area.

The boosted the city's economy with increased iron and armament demand. Began steel production in 1875 at the in, which evolved into the.

He adopted the to increase production. In 1901, Carnegie merged several companies into. By 1910, Pittsburgh was the, accounting for between a third and a half of national steel output. The city's population swelled to over a half million with European immigration via in New York harbor.

By 1940, non-Hispanic whites were 90.6% of the city's population. Pittsburgh also became a main destination of the African-American from the rural South during the first half of the 20th century. Limited initially by discrimination, some 95% percent of the men became unskilled steel workers. During, demand increased and area mills operated 24 hours a day to produce 95 million tons of steel for the war effort. This resulted in the highest levels of air pollution in the city's almost century of industry.

The city's reputation as the 'arsenal of democracy' was being overshadowed by 's 1868 observation of Pittsburgh being 'hell with the lid off.' Following the war, the city launched a clean air and civic revitalization project known as the 'Renaissance,' cleaning up the air and the rivers. The 'Renaissance II' project followed in 1977, focused on cultural and neighborhood development.

The industrial base continued to expand through the 1970s, but beginning in the early 1980s both the area's steel and electronics industries imploded during national industrial restructuring. There were massive layoffs from mill and plant closures. President visiting 's in 2011 In the later 20th century, the area shifted its economic base to education, tourism, and services, largely based on healthcare/medicine, finance, and high technology such as robotics. Although Pittsburgh successfully shifted its economy and remained viable, the city's population has never rebounded to its industrial-era highs. While 680,000 people lived in the city proper in 1950, a combination of suburbanization and economic turbulence resulted in a decrease in city population, even as the metropolitan area population increased again. During the, Pittsburgh was economically strong, adding jobs when most cities were losing them.

It was one of the few cities in the United States to see housing property values rise. Between 2006 and 2011, the (MSA) experienced over 10% appreciation in housing prices—the highest appreciation of the largest 25 MSAs in the United States, as 22 of the top 25 MSAs saw a depreciation of housing values.

Pittsburgh's story of economic regeneration was the inspiration of President to host the. Geography [ ]. See also: Pittsburgh has a total area of 58.3 square miles (151 km 2), of which 55.6 square miles (144 km 2) is land and 2.8 square miles (7.3 km 2) (or 4.75%) is water. The passes directly through the city's downtown.

The city is on the, within the of the, The area (also known as the Golden Triangle) sits where the flowing from the northeast and from the southeast form the. The convergence is at and is referred to as 'the Point.' The city extends east to include the and sections, which are home to the,,, and, and many other educational, medical, and cultural institutions. The southern, western, and northern areas of the city are primarily residential. And the from Many are steeply sloped with two-lane roads. More than a quarter of neighborhood names make reference to 'hills,' 'heights,' or similar features.

The comprise some 712 sets of outdoor public stairways with 44,645 treads and 24,090 vertical feet. They include hundreds of streets composed entirely of stairs, and many other steep streets with stairs for sidewalks. Many provide vistas of the Pittsburgh area while attracting hikers and fitness walkers. Bike and walking trails have been built to border many of the city's rivers and hollows, but steep hills and variable weather can make a challenge. The and Towpath connect the city directly to downtown Washington, D.C.

(some 335 miles (539 km) away) with a continuous bike/running trail. Cityscape [ ] Areas [ ].

From has 30 skyscrapers, nine of which top 500 feet (150 m). Is the tallest at 841 ft (256 m). The comprises a 14-block area of downtown along the.

It is packed with theaters and arts venues, and has a growing residential segment. Most significantly, the is embarking on RiverParc, a four-block mixed-use 'green' community, featuring 700 residential units and multiple towers between 20 and 30 stories. The portion of downtown borders the Monongahela River, the historic Mon Wharf and is home to the distinctive Gothic-style glass skyscraper complex. New condo towers have been constructed and historic office towers are converted to residential use, increasing 24-hour residents.

Downtown is served by the 's and leading north and south. It is also home to,, and which borders. North Side [ ]. The North Side The North Side is home to various neighborhoods in transition. What is known today as Pittsburgh's North Side was once known as, and operated as a city independently of Pittsburgh.

Allegheny City merged with Pittsburgh under great protest from its citizens. The North Side is primarily composed of residential neighborhoods and is noteworthy for well-constructed and architecturally interesting homes. Many buildings date from the 19th century and are constructed of brick or stone and adorned with decorative woodwork, ceramic tile, slate roofs and stained glass. The North Side is also home to many popular attractions such as,,,,, installation art museum,,, Highmark SportsWorks,, and.

The North Side is also home to, which is listed among the 1999 US News & World Report 2000 best hospitals nationwide. South Side [ ]. Further information: The South Side was once the site of the railyards and associated dense, inexpensive housing for mill and railroad workers. Since the late 20th century, the city undertook a in cooperation with the, encouraging design and landscape improvements on East Carson Street, and supporting new retail. The area has become a local Pittsburgher destination.

The South Side is one of the most popular neighborhoods in the city in which to own a home. The value of homes in the South Side has increased in value by about 10% annually for the past 10 years. East Carson Street has developed as one of the most vibrant areas of the city, packed with diverse shopping, ethnic eateries, vibrant nightlife, and live music venues. In 1993 the purchased the South Side Works steel mill property.

It collaborated with the community and various developers to create a master plan for a mixed-use development, to include a riverfront park, office space, housing, health-care facilities, and indoor practice fields for the and. Construction began in 1998. The has been open since 2005, featuring many stores, restaurants, offices, and the world headquarters for. East End [ ]. The, Museums of and (foreground), (background) The East End is home to the,,,,, (Clayton and the Frick art museum),,, and the. The neighborhoods of and are large, wealthy neighborhoods with some apartments and condos.

They enjoy pedestrian-oriented shopping/business districts., heavily populated by undergraduate and graduate students, is home to most of the universities, and the. Is Pittsburgh's Little Italy and is known for its Italian restaurants and grocers. Is a revitalizing rowhouse neighborhood popular with artists and designers; it is expected to benefit from the recent new construction of a new.

The to the west along the is an open-air marketplace by day and a clubbing destination by night. West End [ ]. Further information: The West End includes, with its famous view of the Downtown skyline and numerous other residential neighborhoods such as and. Ethnicities [ ] Pittsburgh's patchwork of neighborhoods still retain an ethnic character reflecting the city's immigrant history. These include: • German:,, and (Deutschtown) • Italian:,,, • Hispanic/Latino: / •,,,,,,,,,,, and the northern marginal regions of,, as well as northeastern,:,, and •:, • African American/Multiracial African American:,,,, and • Jewish (): Population densities [ ] Several neighborhoods on the edges of the city are less urban, featuring tree-lined streets, yards and garages, with a more suburban character.

Oakland, the South Side, the North Side, and the Golden Triangle are characterized by more density of housing, walking neighborhoods, and a more diverse, urban feel. Main article: Pittsburgh falls within the borders of the as defined by multiple US Government agencies, but the Pittsburgh extends into both the () and the (), with the borders of the three regions meeting 30 miles (48 km) from the city. Pittsburgh is also in the, a collection of primarily Midwestern and nearby cities, reflecting Pittsburgh's socio-economic connections to Ohio and points west. Pittsburgh falls within the borders of as defined by the, and has long been characterized as the 'northern urban industrial anchor of Appalachia.' In its post-industrial state, Pittsburgh has been characterized as the 'Paris of Appalachia', recognizing the city's cultural, educational, healthcare, and technological resources, as well as its status as Appalachia's largest city. Climate [ ] Pittsburgh lies in the zone ( Dfa).

The city and river valleys lie in the USDA plant hardiness zone 6b while higher elevated areas lie in zone 6a. The area has four distinct seasons: winters are cold, cloudy, and moderately snowy, springs and falls generally mild with moderate levels of sunshine, and summers warm to hot and humid. As measured by percent possible sunshine, summer is by far the sunniest season. The warmest month of the year in Pittsburgh is July, with a 24-hour average of 72.6 °F (22.6 °C). Conditions are often humid, and combined with highs reaching 90 °F (32 °C) on an average 9.5 days a year, a considerable arises. The coldest month is January, when the 24-hour average is 28.4 °F (−2.0 °C), and lows of 0 °F (−18 °C) or below can be expected on an average 2.6 nights per year.

Officially, record temperatures range from −22 °F (−30 °C), on to 103 °F (39 °C), which occurred three times, most recently on July 16, 1988; the record cold daily maximum is −3 °F (−19 °C), which occurred three times, most recently the day of the all-time record low, while, conversely, the record warm daily minimum is 82 °F (28 °C) on July 1, 1901. Due to elevation and location on the windward side of the Appalachian Mountains, 100 °F (38 °C)+ readings are very rare, and were last seen on July 15, 1995. Average annual precipitation is 38.2 inches (970 mm) and total precipitation is greatest in May while least in October; annual precipitation has historically ranged from 22.65 in (575 mm) in 1930 to 57.41 in (1,458 mm) in 2004. On average, December and January have the greatest number of precipitation days. Snowfall averages 41.4 inches (105 cm) per season, but has historically ranged from 8.8 in (22 cm) in 1918–19 to 82.0 in (208 cm) in 1950–51.

There is an average of 59 clear days and 103 partly cloudy days per year, while 203 days are cloudy. In terms of annual percent-average possible sunshine received, Pittsburgh (45%) is similar to (43%). ” Guillermo Cole In a 2013 ranking of 277 metropolitan areas in the United States, the (ALA) ranked only six U.S. Metro areas as having higher amounts of short-term particle pollution, and only seven U.S. Metro areas having higher amounts of year-round particle pollution than Pittsburgh. For ozone (smog) pollution, Pittsburgh was ranked 24th among U.S. The area has improved its air quality with every annual survey.

The ALA's rankings have been disputed by the Allegheny County Health Department (ACHD), since data from only the worst of the region's 20 air quality monitors is considered by the ALA, without any context or averaging. The lone monitor used is located immediately downwind and adjacent to U.S. Steel's Clairton Coke Works, the nation's largest mill, and several municipalities outside the city's jurisdiction of pollution controls, leading to possible confusion that Pittsburgh itself is the source or center of the emissions cited in the survey. The region's readings also reflect pollution swept in from Ohio and West Virginia, though both are outside the jurisdictional powers of local leadership.

Although the county was still below the 'pass' threshold, the report showed substantial improvement over previous decades on every air quality measure. Fewer than 15 high ozone days were reported between 2007 and 2009, and just 10 between 2008 and 2010, compared to more than 40 between 1997 and 1999. ACHD spokesman Guillermo Cole stated that 'It's the best it's been in the lifetime for virtually every resident in this county.We've seen a steady decrease in pollution levels over the past decade and certainly over the past 20, 30, 40, 50 years, or more.' The local rivers continue to have pollution levels exceeding EPA limits; however, fish catches in the city in 2007 were found to be more than twice as free of pollutants than catches on the Canadian side of and six times as free of pollutants than catches of the New York border area. There are other concerns about local storm sewers and waste treatment plants into local waterways, due to flood conditions and antiquated infrastructure. The city contains 31,000 trees on 900 miles of streets, by the last count conducted in 2005.

A 2011 analysis of Pittsburgh's total tree cover, which involved sampling more than 200 small plots throughout the city, showed a value of between $10 and $13 million in annual benefits based on the 'urban forest' contributions to aesthetics, energy use and air quality. Energy savings from shade, impact on city air and water quality, and the boost in property values were taken into account in the analysis.

The city spends $850,000 annually on street tree planting and maintenance. Demographics [ ] Historical population Year Pop.

±% 1760 149 — 1761 332 +122.8% 1796 1,395 +320.2% 1,565 +12.2% 4,768 +204.7% 7,248 +52.0% 12,568 +73.4% 21,115 +68.0% 46,601 +120.7% 49,221 +5.6% 86,076 +74.9% 156,389 +81.7% 238,617 +52.6% 321,616 +34.8% 533,905 +66.0% 588,343 +10.2% 669,817 +13.8% 671,659 +0.3% 676,806 +0.8% 604,332 −10.7% 520,117 −13.9% 423,938 −18.5% 369,879 −12.8% 334,563 −9.5% 305,704 −8.6% 2016 303,625 −0.7% U.S. Decennial Census 2015 Estimate Source: U.S. Decennial Census At the 2010 Census, there were 305,704 people residing in Pittsburgh, a decrease of 8.6% since 2000. 66.0% of the population was White, 25.8% Black or African American, 0.2% American Indian and Alaska Native, 4.4% Asian, 0.3% Other, and 2.3% mixed. 2.3% of Pittsburgh's population was of Hispanic or Latino origin of any race.

Were 64.8% of the population in 2010, compared to 78.7% in 1970. Racial composition 2010 1990 1970 1950 66.0% 72.1% 79.3% 87.7% —Non-Hispanic 64.8% 71.6% 78.7% n/a 26.1% 25.8% 20.2% 12.2% (of any race) 2.3% 0.9% 0.5% (X) 4.4% 1.6% 0.3% 0.1%. Map of racial distribution in Pittsburgh, 2010 U.S.

Each dot is 25 people: White, Black, Asian, Hispanic or Other (yellow) The five largest European ethnic groups in the city are German (19.7%), Irish (15.8%), Italian (11.8%), Polish (8.4%), and English (4.6%), while the metropolitan area is approximately 22% German-American, 15.4% and 11.6%. Pittsburgh has one of the largest Italian-American communities in the nation, the fifth-largest community. Pittsburgh has over 200,000 Croatian people making it the city with the most extensive community in the United States. According to a 2010 study, residents include 773,341 'Catholics'; 326,125 'Mainline Protestants'; 174,119 'Evangelical Protestants;' 20,976 'Black Protestants;' and 16,405 'Orthodox Christians,' with 996,826 listed as 'unclaimed' and 16,405 as 'other' in the metro area.

There were 143,739 households, out of which 21.9% had children under the age of 18 living with them, 31.2% were married couples living together, 16.5% had a female householder with no husband present, and 48.4% were non-families. 39.4% of all households were made up of individuals and 13.7% had someone living alone who is 65 years of age or older. The average household size was 2.17 and the average family size was 2.95.

In the city, the population was spread out, with 19.9% under the age of 18, 14.8% from 18 to 24, 28.6% from 25 to 44, 20.3% from 45 to 64, and 16.4% who were 65 years of age or older. The median age was 36 years. For every 100 females there were 90.7 males. For every 100 females age 18 and over, there were 87.8 males.

The for a household in the city was $28,588, and the median income for a family was $38,795. Males had a median income of $32,128 versus $25,500 for females. The per capita income for the city was $18,816. About 15.0% of families and 20.4% of the population were below the poverty line, including 27.5% of those under the age of 18 and 13.5% ages 65 or older.

In a 2002 study, Pittsburgh ranked 22nd of 69 urban places in the U.S. In the number of residents 25 years or older who had completed a bachelor's degree, at 31%. Pittsburgh ranked 15th of the 69 places in the number of residents 25 years or older who completed a high school degree, at 84.7%. The has shown greater residential during the last 30 years. The 2010 census ranked 18 other U.S.

Metros as having greater black-white, while 32 other U.S. Metros rank higher for black-white isolation. Within city limits both and have residential above 90%, as and both have female populations at 60% or greater. Has a 60% male population. Pittsburgh skyline from Mount Washington Pittsburgh has adapted since the collapse of its century-long steel and electronics industries. The region has shifted to high technology,, health care, nuclear engineering, tourism,, finance, education, and services.

Total annual payroll of the region's technology industries, when taken in aggregate, exceeded $10.8 billion in 2007, and in 2010 there were 1,600 technology companies. A 2014 report named Pittsburgh the second-best U.S. City for intergenerational economic mobility or the. Reflecting the citywide shift from industry to technology, former factories have been renovated as modern office space.

Has research and technology offices in a refurbished 1918–1998 factory, a complex known as. Some of the factory's original equipment, such as a large dough mixer, were left standing in homage to the site's industrial roots. Pittsburgh's transition from its has earned it praise as 'the poster child for managing industrial transition'. Other major cities in the northeast and mid-west have increasingly borrowed from Pittsburgh's model in order to renew their industries and economic base. Robert Mauro The largest employer in the city is the, with 48,000 employees. All hospitals, outpatient clinics, and doctor's office positions combine for 116,000 jobs, approximately 10% of the jobs in the region.

An analyst recently observed of the city's medical sector: 'That's both more jobs and a higher share of the region's total employment than the steel industry represented in the 1970s.' Top publicly traded companies in the Pittsburgh region for 2016 (ranked by revenues) with Metropolitan and U.S. Ranks Metro corporation US 1 153 2 171 3 182 4 244 5 228 6 300 7 357 8 365 Source: Fortune 500 Area retail is anchored by over 35 and a healthy downtown retail sector, as well as boutique shops along, in and. Education is another major industry in the region. The largest single employer in that industry is the, with 10,700 employees. Six companies call the Pittsburgh area home.

These include downtown's,,,,, and the based. In 2006, Expansion Magazine ranked Pittsburgh among the top 10 metropolitan areas in the nation for climates favorable to business expansion. The region is home to,,,,, and operation headquarters. Other major employers include,,, and. The Northeast U.S.

Regional headquarters for,,,,, and the call the area home.,,,, (GNC), CNX Gas (CXG), and are major non-public companies headquartered in the region. The global impact of Pittsburgh technology and business was recently demonstrated in several key components of the being manufactured and supplied by area companies. The nonprofit arts and cultural industry in Allegheny County generates $341 million in economic activity that supports over 10,000 full-time equivalent jobs with nearly $34 million in local and state taxes raised. A leader in, the city is home to 60 total and 10 of the world's first while billions have been invested in the area's natural gas fields. A renaissance of Pittsburgh's 116-year-old film industry—that boasts the world's first —has grown from the long-running to an influx of including and offices with the largest sound stage outside and New York City. Pittsburgh has hosted, the world's largest invention trade show annually since 1984, since 2003, since 2006, and energy trade show since 2009.

Arts and culture [ ]. Downtown Pittsburgh from the North Shore in the morning. Pittsburgh has a rich history in arts and culture dating from 19th century industrialists commissioning and donating public works, such as and the, home to the and, respectively as well as such groups as the and the. Pittsburgh has a long tradition of jazz, blues, and bluegrass music. The was founded in the city as the first all African-American opera company in the United States.

This led to the prominence of African-American singers like in the world of opera. Pittsburgh has a number of small and mid-size arts organizations including the,, the, and the early music ensemble. Several choirs and singing groups are also present at the cities' universities; some of the most notable include the and the. And the host a variety of dance events. Polka, folk, square, and round dancing have a long history in the city and are celebrated by the world-famous, a multicultural academy dedicated to the preservation and presentation of folk songs and dance. Hundreds of major films have been shot partially or wholly in Pittsburgh. Was largely filmed in Downtown, Oakland, and the North Shore.

Pittsburgh has also teamed up with a Los Angeles-based production company, and has built the largest and most advanced movie studio in the eastern United States. Pittsburgh's major art museums include the, the, the,, and the. The, one of three museums in the US dedicated to cartoon art, is located downtown. The is the fourth ranked natural history museum in the US and has extensive dinosaur, mineral, animal, and collections. The and associated has interactive technology and science exhibits.

The is a Smithsonian affiliated regional history museum located in the Strip District and its associated is located in Point State Park. In Oakland houses Western Pennsylvania military exhibits from the Civil War to present. The on the North Side features interactive exhibits for children. The eclectic is six miles (9 km) from downtown while is located in the city's Lawrenceville section. The 's showcase pre-19th century learning environments from around the world.

There are regular guided and self-guided architectural tours in numerous neighborhoods. Downtown's cultural district hosts quarterly Gallery Crawls and the annual.

Pittsburgh is home to a number of art galleries and centers including the, of the University of Pittsburgh, the, and the. Pittsburgh is home to the popular amusement park. The,, and the have served the city for over a century. Pittsburgh is home to one of the several state licensed casinos. The is located on the along the, just west of and. Pittsburgh's is a recent artist to have a number one record.

His anthem ' (a tribute to Pittsburgh's official colors) reached number one on Billboard's 'Hot 100' for the Week of February 19, 2011 Not since Grammy-winning blues guitarist has a Pittsburgh artist received such national acclaim. And are from Pittsburgh suburbs.

Hip hop artist 's album debuted at the top of Billboard's album chart; its first #1 independent release since in 1995. Many and acts, such as and, originated in Pittsburgh. Pittsburgh is home to the world's largest furry convention known as, which has been held annually at the since 2006. In 2013 Anthrocon drew over 5,000 visitors and had an economic impact of $6.2 million. Main article: The city's first play was produced at the in 1803 and the first theater built in 1812.

Collegiate companies include the University of Pittsburgh's and, Point Park University's resident companies at its, and Carnegie Mellon University's School of Drama productions and organization. The Duquesne University Red Masquers, founded in 1912, are the oldest, continuously producing theater company in Pennsylvania. [ ] The city's longest-running theater show,, is an improv jam that has been performed in the and other locations for 20 years. The utilizes local theatre companies to stage productions of original one-act plays by playwrights from all parts of the country. Similarly, showcases new ten-minute plays.,,,, and in nearby,,,, and, respectively, employ Pittsburgh actors and contribute to the culture of the region.

Literature [ ]. See also:,, and Pittsburgh is the birthplace of and, a graduate from the suburb of. Modern writers include -winning playwright and with his Pittsburgh-focused commentary on student and college life. Two-time Pulitzer Prize winner and recipient of the, was born and raised in Pittsburgh., a Pulitzer Prize–winning writer, was born and raised in Pittsburgh. Much of her memoir An American Childhood takes place in post-World War II Pittsburgh. Grew up in Pittsburgh and based ',' a National Book Critics awarded novel in his hometown.

Poet, winner of the 2010 National Book Award and a 2014 MacArthur Foundation Fellow, received his MFA from the University of Pittsburgh, where he is currently a faculty member. Poet, founder of, currently resides in the Mount Washington neighborhood of Pittsburgh. Poet, the first poet Laureate of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, also resides in the city. New writers include who attended the and mentions Pittsburgh in his works and Pittsburgher Brian Celio, author of Catapult Soul who captured the Pittsburgh 'Yinzer' dialect in his writing. Pittsburgh's unique literary style extends to playwrights, as well as local graffiti and hip hop artists.

There are also specific Pittsburgh genres that have been adopted in globally, from children's television to sci-fi/fantasy to Pittsburghese. Pittsburgh's position as the birthplace for community owned television and networked commercial television helped spawn the modern children's show genres exemplified by,,,, and, all nationally broadcast. The series has showcased the genre to a global audience since 2011.

The modern fantasy, macabre and science fiction was popularized by director, television's and his, director and writer and makeup effects guru. The genre continues today with the PARSEC writers organization, The It's Alive Show, the annual 'Zombie Fest', and several writer's workshops including Write or Die, Pittsburgh SouthWrites, and Pittsburgh Worldwrights with, and. Local dialect [ ]. Main article: The Pittsburgh English dialect, commonly called, was influenced by,,,, and immigrants.

[ ] Locals who speak the dialect are sometimes referred to as ' (from the local word 'yinz' [var. Yunz], a blended form of 'you ones,' similar to 'y'all' and 'you all' in the South).

Common Pittsburghese terms are: slippy (slippery), redd up (clean up), jagger bush (thorn bush), and gum bands (rubber bands). The dialect is also notable for dropping the verb 'to be.' In Pittsburghese one would say 'the car needs washed' instead of 'needs to be washed,' 'needs washing,' or 'needs a wash.' The dialect has some tonal similarities to other nearby regional dialects of Erie and Baltimore, but is noted for its somewhat rhythms. The staccato qualities of the dialect are thought to originate either from Welsh or other European languages. The many local peculiarities have prompted to describe Pittsburgh as, 'the of American dialect.'

The lexicon itself contains notable loans from and other European languages; examples include,, and. Livability [ ]. Pittsburgh from the Pittsburgh often places high in lists of the nation's most livable cities. After placing fourth and first in the first two editions of Places Rated Almanac, Pittsburgh finished third in 1989, fifth in 1993, 14th in 1997, and 12th in 2000, before reclaiming the number one spot in 2007. The survey's primary author, David Savageau, has noted that Pittsburgh is the only city to finish in the top 20 of every edition.

In 2005, 2009, and 2011, Pittsburgh was named the most livable city in the United States and in those years, between the 26th- and 29th-most livable cities worldwide. Pittsburgh ranked No. 28 in the book Cities Ranked and Rated (2004) by and Peter Sander. In 2010, and listed Pittsburgh as the most livable city in the United States. A month later, Forbes named Pittsburgh the 7th best place to raise a family.

Pittsburgh was ranked the 4th best city for working mothers by Forbes in 2010 and the city was ranked as one of the best for entrepreneurs by Entrepreneur. Forbes named Pittsburgh, in an 8-way tie, the world's 10th cleanest city for 2007.

The named Pittsburgh the top place to live in the United States in 2011, and behind only for 2012 and 2014. The city was listed among the 10 best U.S. Places to retire in 2012 by CBS Money Watch and U.S. In February 2013 Forbes again placed Pittsburgh among its 10 most unexpectedly romantic world locations.

In April 2014, rated Pittsburgh the 15th best city for. Livability rankings typically consider factors such as cost of living, crime, and cultural opportunities. Pittsburgh has a low cost of living compared to other northeastern U.S. According to the Federal Housing Board the average price for a 3- to 4-bedroom, 2-bath family home in Pittsburgh for 2004 is $162,000, well below the national average of $264,540. Average 2010 rent for all bedrooms in Pittsburgh was $789. This compares to the nationwide average of $1,087.

Pittsburgh also has five city parks and several parks managed by the Nature Conservancy, the largest of which,, provides a 664 acres (269 ha) of woodland park with extensive hiking and biking trails throughout steep valleys and wooded slopes. Birding enthusiasts love to visit Clayton Hill area of Frick Park, where well over 100 species of birds have been recorded. Enhancing Pittsburgh's livability is that the area faces little natural disaster risk such as an earthquake, hurricane, wildfire, or tornado. Forbes ranked Pittsburgh as having the 2nd lowest natural disaster risk in the nation for 2009. Is not entirely free of natural disasters, however. Residents living in extremely low-lying areas near the rivers or one of the 1,400 creeks and streams experience occasional floods, such as those caused when the remnants of hit rainfall records in 2004. River flooding is relatively rare due to federal flood control efforts extensively managing locks, dams, and reservoirs.

Residents living near smaller tributary streams are less protected from occasional flooding, and the cost of a comprehensive flood control program for the region has been estimated at a prohibitive $50 billion. Pittsburgh has the most in the nation. Main article: Pittsburgh hosted the and the. The city boasts several professional teams and in 2009 the city has won the title of 'Best Sports City' in the United States. And Sperling's Best Places 'top 15 cities for baseball' in 2013. College sports also have large followings with the University of Pittsburgh in football and sharing Division I basketball fans with Robert Morris and Duquesne.

Pittsburgh's dedication to sports has a long history with its major professional sports teams—the of the, the of the, and the of —share the same team colors, the. This tradition of solidarity is unique to Pittsburgh. The black-and-gold color scheme has since become widely associated with the city and personified in its famous. ', has converted miles of former to recreational trails, including a.

Several trails are located within the city and suburbs, has biking trails and has many miles of trails. [ ] Professional sports teams in Pittsburgh Pro Club Founded League Sport Venue Championships 1882 7 1933 6 1967,,,, 1999 Soccer 2014. ” ESPN The baseball team, often referred to as the Bucs or the Buccos (derived from ), is the city's oldest professional sports franchise having been founded in 1881, and plays in the of the.

The Pirates are nine-time Pennant winners and five-time Champions, were in the first and claim two pre-World Series titles in 1901 and 1902. The Pirates play in, annually ranked as one of the sports best venues; stated: '[t]his is the perfect blend of location, history, design, comfort and baseballThe best stadium in baseball is in Pittsburgh.' Hosted the team's MLB record-tying fifth All-Star game in 2006. Pittsburgh also has a rich history, with the former and the credited with as many as 14 league titles and 11 Hall of Famers between them in the 1930s and 1940s, while the fielded teams in the 1920s. In addition, in 1971 the Pirates were the first Major League team to field an all-minority lineup. One sportswriter claimed, 'No city is more synonymous with black baseball than Pittsburgh.'

Since the late 20th century, the Pirates had three consecutive appearances (1990–92) (going 6, 7 and 7 games each), followed by setting the MLB record for most consecutive losing seasons, with 20 from 1993 until 2012. This era was followed by three consecutive postseason appearances: the 2013 and the 2014–2015 Wild Card games. Their in 1997 featured the franchises' last no-hitter and last award for. Football [ ]. Heinz Field seen from above is the most popular and tradition laden sport in the region. The nation's first professional game was played in the city on November 12, 1892, between the and the, the first pro-team in nearby and first organized league, the and their inaugural champions: the. [ ] The city's most popular team is the, named after the distribution company the Pittsburgh Steeling company established in 1927.

News of the team has preempted news of elections and other events, and are important to the region and its. The Steelers have been owned by the since the team's founding in 1933, show consistency in coaching (only three coaches since the 1960s all with the same basic philosophy) and are noted as one of sports' most respectable franchises.

[ ] The Steelers have a long waiting list for season tickets, and have sold out every home game since 1972. The team won four in a six-year span in the 1970s, a in 2006, and a league record in 2009.

Since the AFL-NFL merger in 1970 they have qualified for the most NFL playoff berths (28) and have played in (15) and hosted (11) the most NFL conference championship games. [ ] routinely attract 10,000 fans per game and extensive press coverage. [ ] The film and ESPN's with both filmed in the area to capture the tradition and passion of local high school football. In the city dates to 1889 with the (FBS) of the University of Pittsburgh posting nine and recently [ ] qualifying for seven straight bowl games for 31 total. Local universities Duquesne and Robert Morris have loyal fan bases that follow their lower teams. Duquesne, Carnegie Mellon University, and all posted major bowl games and AP Poll rankings from the 1920s to the 1940s as that era's equivalent of Top 25 FBS programs.

[ ] Heinz Field serves as home for the Steelers, Panthers, and both the suburban and city high school championships. Playoff franchises and competed in the in the 1980s and 2010s respectively. The Gladiators hosted in the city, competing in two total, but losing both before moving to and becoming the.

The has been the city's professional women's football team since 2002 and plays its home games. The owned featured a winner in the mid-1980s, former superstar University of Nebraska running back. This section needs additional citations for. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. (October 2015) () The NHL's have played in Pittsburgh since the team's founding in 1967.

The team has won 6 titles (1991, 1992, 2008, 2009, 2016 and 2017) and 5 championships (1991, 1992, 2009, 2016 and 2017). Since 1999, Hall of Famer and back-to-back playoff MVP has served as Penguins owner. Until moving into the in 2010 (when it known as Consol Energy Center), the team played their home games at the world's first retractable domed stadium, the, or in local parlance 'The Igloo'. Has had a regional fan base since the 1890s semi-pro. The city's first ice rink dates back to 1889, when there was an ice rink at the Casino in. From 1896 to 1956, the Exposition Building on the Allegheny River near The Point and Duquesne Gardens in Oakland offered indoor skating. The NHL awarded one of its first franchises to the city in 1924 on the strength of the back-to-back USAHA championship winning featuring future Hall of Famers and a Stanley Cup winning coach.

The NHL's made several Stanley Cup playoff runs with a future Hall of Famer before folding from financial pressures. Hockey survived with the farm team (1936–1967) and their seven finals appearances and three championships in 18 playoff seasons. Fields a Division I college hockey team at the. Pittsburgh is a hotbed for semi-pro and amateur teams such as the top 50 ranked Junior Penguins, Predators and Viper Stars, with the Hornets a top 20 team for the last 7 years. [ ] Pro-grade ice rinks such as the and have trained several native Pittsburgh players for NHL play.

RMU hosted the city's first college championship in 2013 with the four PPG Paints Arena games televised. Basketball [ ] in Pittsburgh dates to the 1910s with teams 'Monticello' and 'Loendi' winning, the (1937–45 in the ), the (1947–48 inaugural season), the (1961–63), the (first championship in 1968 and playing until 1972), the (CBA Finals in 1995), the (2004–08) and (2009–10) both of the. The city has hosted dozens of pre-season and 15 regular season 'neutral site' NBA games, including 's record setting performance in both consecutive field goals and field goal percentage on February 24, 1967, NBA records that still stand. Home of The Duquesne University and the University of Pittsburgh have played in the city since 1914 and 1905 respectively. Pitt and Duquesne have played the annual since 1932. Duquesne was the city's first team to appear in a (1940), obtain a number one ranking (1954), and to win a post-season national title, the on its second straight trip to the NIT title game.

Duquesne is the only college program to produce back-to-back NBA #1 overall draft picks with 1955's Dick Ricketts and 1956's Sihugo Green. [ ] Duquesne's was the first African American drafted by an NBA team. The Panthers won two pre-tournament era in 1928 and 1930, competed in a 'national title game' against in 1935, and made a Final Four appearance in 1941.

Pitt has won 13 conference titles, qualified for the NCAA tournament 25 times including a post season tournament every season since 1999–2000 and regularly sells out the. The program has produced 27 NBA draft picks and 15 All Americans while ranking #1 in the nation as recently as 2009. The suburban have competed in NCAA Division I basketball since the 1970s, qualifying for the NCAA tournament in each of the last four decades (8 total). In the the Colonials notched an upset win over the defending national champions Kentucky Wildcats. Has qualified for 14 post season tournaments (including 4 NCAA tournaments) and boasts of 5 All-Americans selected 6 times with 3 WNBA players. Pitt women began play in 1914 before being reintroduced in 1970.

Both Duquesne and Robert Morris also have competitive Division I women's basketball programs. Pittsburgh launched the nation's first high school all-star game in 1965.

[ ] The annually featured future NBA hall of famers at the Civic Arena with televising. The Civic Arena also hosted the from 1978 until 1982. See also: has deep roots in the area.

The oldest U.S. Course in continuous use, dating from 1887 calls the region home. [ ] Suburban holds the record for most times as host for the (8). [ ] (2), (3), and (8) have also called Oakmont home.

Golf legends,, and learned the game and began their careers on Pittsburgh area courses. [ ] Suburban courses such as and the Fox Chapel Golf Club have hosted PGA Championships (1937, 1965), the (1975), (1957–58), (2012–14), and the (2005). Local courses have sponsored annual major tournaments for 40 years. Pittsburgh Vintage Grand Prix Pittsburgh hosts several annual major sporting events initiated in the late 20th century, including the: • (since 1977) • (since 1983) • (since 1983) • (since 1985) • (since 1985) • (since 1987) The city's vibrant rivers have attracted annual world-title fishing competitions of the in 2009 and the in 2005. Annual events continue during the winter months at area ski resorts such as,,,, and. Ice skating rinks are enjoyed at and. Professional wrestling [ ] Many and promoters in the Started their Careers in Pittsburgh including,,,,, and many more.

Pittsburgh was in the Limelight with the popular in the section of the city. The, the seat of government of the City of Pittsburgh. The is composed of the, the, and various boards and commissions. The mayor and the nine-member council serve a four-year term. Since the 1950s the has assumed a large role in advising, long term planning, and as a 'gatekeeper' to the mayor. City council members are chosen by elections in each of nine districts. The government's official offices are located in the.

The holds sessions in Pittsburgh, as well as and Philadelphia. Pittsburgh is represented in the by three and nine. Federally, Pittsburgh is part of. Politics [ ] In 2006, Council President was sworn in as mayor at age 26, becoming the youngest mayor in the history of any major American city. His successor,, was sworn in January 6, 2014.

Current members are: Darlene Harris, Theresa Kail-Smith, Natalia Rudiak, Cory O'Conner, R. Daniel Lavelle, Deborah Gross, Dan Gilman, and Rev.

Ricky Burgess. They are elected from. The president of city council is. Prior to the, Pittsburgh was strongly abolitionist. It is considered the, [ ] as the party held its first convention here in February 1856.

From the Civil War to the 1930s, Pittsburgh was a stronghold. The effects of the, combined with entrenched local GOP scandals, resulted in a shift among voters to the Democratic Party. With the exceptions of the and elections (where lifelong Democrats ran off the party ticket), Democrats have been elected consecutively to the mayor's office since the. The city's current ratio of party registration is 5 to 1 Democrat. Pittsburgh is represented in the by three ( (R)-, (D)-42, and (D)-43) and nine (-19, Adam Ravenstahl-20, -21, -23, Ed Gainey-24, Dan Deasy-27, Paul Costa-34, and Harry Readshaw-36, Dan Miller-42). Federally, Pittsburgh is part of, represented by since 1995.

Law enforcement [ ]. A and a belonging to the Pittsburgh Bureau of Police The area's largest law enforcement agency is the, with close to 1,000 sworn officers. The city also has separate housing and school police departments. Other agencies also provide police protection within the city because of overlapping jurisdictional boundaries. The focuses on jail and security. The primarily patrols county-owned parks and airports, while providing detective/investigatory functions for smaller suburbs and the patrols rapid transit. Troop B provides patrols for the city and immediate suburbs.

The county's lead law enforcement officer is while the heads forensics. Crimes of a federal nature are covered by the. Crime [ ] Pittsburgh annually ranks as one of America's safest big cities, in 2013 being named the 3rd 'most secure' big city by Farmers Insurance. Among, 43 had more instances of property crime while 16 had less when compared to Pittsburgh. More instances of violent crime were reported in 21 of the largest cities while 37 had less. The FBI recommends against using data for ranking. Per 100,000 persons stats (2012): Murder Rape Robbery Assault Burglary Theft Motor Vehicle Total Violent Total Property 13.1 15.1 363.3 360.4 812.8 2,438.2 174.3 752.0 3,425.4 At the end of 2016, the Pittsburgh Bureau of Police reported 59 murders in the city, marking 'one of the most violent years in recent history.'

Education [ ]. Carnegie Mellon University Pittsburgh is home to many colleges, universities and research facilities, the most well-known of which are, the, and. Also located in the city are,,,, the,,, and the.

The Greater Pittsburgh area is also home to four of the including,,, and. The campuses of Carlow, Carnegie Mellon, and the University of Pittsburgh are located adjacent to each other in the Oakland neighborhood that is the city's traditional cultural center. Carnegie Mellon University (CMU) is a private research university founded by and is ranked 23rd overall on list of America's Best National Universities. CMU is globally respected for its,,,,, writing,, information systems, statistics, and psychology programs. The University of Pittsburgh, established in 1787 and popularly referred to as 'Pitt', is a school with one of the nation's largest research programs. Pitt is ranked as the 20th national by US News & World Report and 62nd overall, and is known for the,,,,,,, and other biomedical and health-related sciences. Carlow University is a small private Roman Catholic university that while coeducational, has traditionally educated women., a liberal arts women's college with coeducational graduate programs, is located in the Shadyside neighborhood, but also maintains a 388-acre (157 ha) Eden Hall Farm campus located in the., a private Catholic university located in the neighborhood and is noted for its song and dance troupe, the, as well as programs in law, business, and pharmacy.

Was founded in 1961 and is well known for its Conservatory of Performing Arts and its. Teachers are paid well relative to their peers, ranking 17th in 2000 among the 100 largest cities by population for the highest minimum salary offered to teachers with a BA ($34,300). [ ] Pittsburgh ranked fifth in the highest maximum salary offered to teachers with an MA ($66,380).

[ ] Local public schools include many charter and magnet schools, including (computer and technology focused), Pittsburgh Montessori School (formerly Homewood Montessori),,,,, the, and the. Private schools in Pittsburgh include,,,,, yeshiva schools and. Maintains a PK–5 campus in the neighborhood, in addition to its 6–12 middle and upper school campuses located in nearby suburban. Other private institutions outside of Pittsburgh's limits include and. The city also has an extensive library system, both public and university. Most notable are the and the 's University Library System, which rank 9th-largest (public) and 18th-largest (academic) in the nation, respectively.

KDKA studios at Gateway Center There are two major daily newspapers in Pittsburgh: the and the. Weekly papers in the region include the,,,, The New People, and the. Independent student-written university-based newspapers include of the, of, of, and of. The is also home to, the world's only university-based legal news service. Television [ ] The Pittsburgh metro area is served by many local television and radio stations. The Pittsburgh (DMA) is the 22nd-largest in the U.S.

With 1,163,150 homes (1.045% of the total U.S.). The major network television affiliates are 2 (), 4 (), 11 (), 53 (), 19 (), 16 (), 22 (), and 40 (). KDKA-TV, WPCW, WINP-TV, and WPCB are network owned-and-operated stations. 16 is an owned and operated by the Bruno-Goodworth Network.

13 is the local station in Pittsburgh. It was established on April 1, 1954, and was the first community-sponsored television station and the fifth public station in the United States. The station has produced much original content for PBS, including, several specials, and Radio [ ] There is a wide variety of serving the Pittsburgh market. The first was 1020 AM, also the world's first commercially licensed radio station, airing on November 2, 1920. Other popular stations include 1410 AM (news), 970 AM (sports), 93.7 FM (sports), 96.1 FM (pop and hip-hop), 660 AM (hip-hop and R&B) 100.7 FM (adult contemporary), 102.5 FM (album rock), 104.7 FM (Country), and 105.9 FM (modern rock). There are also three in the area; including 90.5 FM ( affiliate), 89.3 FM (classical), and 91.3 FM (adult alternative). Three non-commercial stations are run by ( 88.3 FM), the ( 92.1 FM), and ( 670 AM).

Film [ ] Pittsburgh's 116-year-old film industry accelerated after the 2006 passage of the. According to the, over 124 major motion pictures have been filmed, in whole or in part, in Pittsburgh, including,,,,,,,,,,,,,, and. Pittsburgh became 'Gotham City' in 2011 during filming of. Has shot nearly all his films in the area, including his series. Utilities [ ]. UPMC's flagship, UPMC Presbyterian The two largest area health care providers are the world-renowned (UPMC) (since 1893) and (since 1882).

Both flagship hospitals annually rank as among the best overall in the United States, with UPMC being among 's 'Honor Roll' every year since 2000. The first military hospital in U.S. History as well as the first west of the Atlantic Plain—General Edward Hand Hospital—served the area from 1777 to 1845. Since 1847, Pittsburgh has hosted the world's first 'Mercy Hospital'. This was followed by West Penn hospital in 1848, Passavant Hospital in 1849, the in 1883, Children's Hospital in 1887, and in 1911. In 1954, Allegheny General (AGH) was among the first to administer.

Allegheny General, the flagship of WPAHS In 1980, UPMC announced a $250 million ($825 million today) expansion and also hired transplant pioneer. In 1984, Allegheny General surgeons pioneered modern brain surgery. Starzl arranged the 1985 liver transplant of 5 year old Amie Garrison as a UPMC surgery team flew to, starting its transplant program. Also in 1985, UPMC surgeons Drs.

Griffith, Hardesty, and Trento revealed a new device after a heart-lung transplant. In 1986, UPMC announced a $230 million ($503 million today) modernization. In 1996, UPMC's planned Sicily branch was approved by the Italian government as transplant surgeons to supervise and deliver the world's third (both earlier ones done at UPMC)--and first public—cross species marrow transplant.

UPMC's Thomas Detre founded the at a world medical conference in Pittsburgh in 1999. The $80 million ($111 million today) for the & opened in 2000. In 2002, AGH opened its $30 million ($40.6 million today), 5 floor, 100,000 sq. Ft., cancer center. The $130 million ($173 million today) 350,000 sq. Opened in 2003 as UPMC entered into an 8-year, $420 million ($533 million today) agreement with to upgrade medical technologies & health information systems.

In 2009, the $600 million ($667 million today) opened. The campus was featured in world news in 2012 for several unique approaches to patient care. UPMC officially adopted in 's in 2010.

The announced a state of the art training facility with UPMC in 2012. UPMC announced in 2013 that it had partnered with to help found its medical school. Main article: Pittsburgh is a. With a total of 446, it has three bridges more than, Italy, which has historically held the title 'City of Bridges.' Around 40 bridges cross the three rivers near the city.

The was the world's first lenticular truss bridge. The city's offer a picturesque view of the city from the North.

The south-western 'entrance' to Downtown for travelers coming in from and the is through the and over the. The carrying is the main gateway from Downtown to both, and the. The carries the Port Authority's Blue/Red/Brown subway lines across the. The renovated bridge has been a key traffic/running-biking trail conduit connecting the and. Over 2,000 bridges span the landscape of Allegheny County. Penn Station was built in 1903 Pittsburgh's rail industry dates to 1851 when the first opened service between the city and Philadelphia, the entered the city in 1871. In 1865 opened the which manufactured for the industry until 1919.

Carnegie also founded the in 1894 for heavy freight services and it still serves the area's steel industry, while 's has been a leader in rail engines and switching since 1869. Pittsburgh is home to one of 's busiest freight corridors, the, and operates up to 70 trains per day through the city. The suburban —originally built in 1889—was the largest freight rail center in the world from 1956 until 1980 and is today the nation's second-largest., the other major freight railroad in the eastern U.S.

Also has around Pittsburgh. Provides intercity rail service via the and the which use. Port [ ] The ranks as the in the United States with almost 34 million short tons of river cargo for 2011, the port ranked 9th-largest in the U.S.

When measured in domestic trade. Expressways and highways [ ] Expressways Other Highways. I-279 Locals refer to the interstates fanning out from as the 'parkways.' Is both the 'parkway east' connecting to () and the 'parkway west' connecting to, the, the Ohio end of the Turnpike and. The 'parkway north' is connecting to I-79. The 'crosstown' is allowing access to the heart of downtown, the and the.

The 45-mile-long and 70-mile-long expressway sections of and also carry traffic from downtown to the northeast and western suburbs, respectively., 79 and 76 (the Turnpike) roughly form a triangular-shaped 'beltway' with and 80 within the media market's northern and southern limits. Turnpike spurs such as the, and also help traffic flow. The non-expressway serves navigation in the region. The, commonly known as the Port Authority, but sometimes referred to by its former nickname 'PAT' or 'PAT Transit', is the region's mass transit system. While serving only a portion of the Pittsburgh area (the nation's 20th largest metro area), it is the 11th largest transit agency in the nation and helped the region rank 8th on commuters that use non-car means to work, second to only Chicago in metros outside the Northeast corridor.

Port Authority runs a network of intracity and intercity bus routes, the (more commonly known as an 'incline') on Mount Washington, a system that runs mostly above-ground in the suburbs and underground as a subway in the city, and one of the nation's largest systems. The is operated by a non-profit preservation trust, but accepts Port Authority passes and charges Port Authority fares. Pittsburgh, PA Public Transportation Statistics [ ] The average amount of time people spend commuting with public transit in Pittsburgh, PA, for example to and from work, on a weekday is 73 min. 23% of public transit riders, ride for more than 2 hours every day. The average amount of time people wait at a stop or station for public transit is 17 min, while 33% of riders wait for over 20 minutes on average every day.

The average distance people usually ride in a single trip with public transit is 6.3 km, while 11% travel for over 12 km in a single direction. Notable people [ ]. • The neighborhoods are,,,,,,,,,,,, (also known as Observatory Hill), (also known as Perry Hilltop),,,,,,,,, and. • The warmest daily minimum at the current observation location, Pittsburgh Int'l, is only 77 °F (25 °C) on July 23, 2010, and July 16, 1980. • Mean monthly maxima and minima (i.e. The highest and lowest temperature readings during an entire month or year) calculated based on data at said location from 1981 to 2010. • Records kept January 1871 to June 1935 at the Weather Bureau Office across the Allegheny River from, at from July 1935 to 14 September 1952, and at Pittsburgh Int'l (KPIT) since 15 September 1952.

Due to its river valley and urban location as well as elevation, many of the summertime warm minima temperature records set at the WBO have not even come close to being matched at KPIT, which is at-elevation and located in the western suburbs. For more information, see References [ ]. United States Census Bureau. Retrieved Aug 13, 2017. Retrieved June 3, 2015. Retrieved June 9, 2017. Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission.

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Further reading [ ] • Allen Dieterich-Ward, Beyond Rust: Metropolitan Pittsburgh and the Fate of Industrial America (U of Pennsylvania Press, 2016). Viii, 347 pp. Kobus, City of Steel: How Pittsburgh Became the World's Steelmaking Capital During the Carnegie Era. Lanham, MD: Rowman and Littlefield, 2015.

• Charles McCollester, The Point of Pittsburgh: Production and Struggle at the Forks of the Ohio. Pittsburgh, PA: Battle of Homestead Foundation, 2008. External links [ ].

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