Rangers Apprentice 12 Epub Download Software

John Flanagan, author of the bestselling Ranger’s Apprentice fantasy adventure epic, delivers a second prequel to Ruins of Gorlan, the novel that started it all, with Halt and Crowley preparing for war against a near-unstoppable enemy When the former Baron Morgarath escaped to avoid punishment for treason, an uneasy peace fell on Araluen. But Morgarath, now in hiding, is already planning his next move, recruiting an army of savage, overpowering beasts known as Wargals. Newly crowned King Duncan knows he must assemble his troops for battle. To find out the full extent of Morgarath’s plan of attack, Halt prepares for a seemingly impossible task–climbing the deadly cliffs of the Mountains of Rain and Night and venturing deep into enemy territory to spy.

After all, the winner of this war could be determined by one wrong move. At the Battle of Hackham Heath, the fate of a Kingdom will be decided. This origin story of how Halt came to be Araluen’s most famous Ranger – and how war will decide the future of the next generation – will thrill Ranger’s Apprentice fans and new readers alike. A New York Times bestseller!

From John Flanagan, author of the worldwide bestselling Ranger’s Apprentice (soon to be a major motion picture)—the first in a new prequel series featuring one of our favorite Rangers, Halt! When Halt and Crowley discover that the ambitious Morgarath has been infiltrating the Rangers in order to corrupt the Corps, the young Rangers travel north to find Prince Duncan, seeking a royal warrant to stop Morgarath before it is too late. By weakening the Rangers, the most powerful force in support of the King, Morgarath plans to steal the throne. Yet when Halt and Crowley arrive in Gorlan, they discover just how close Morgarath’s scheme is to success. Morgarath has a plan to discredit the Prince and alienate him from his father. At the same time, the Baron of Gorlan has been conspiring to win the trust and admiration of the Council of Barons to further his plan.

If the young Rangers are to prevent the coup from succeeding, they will have to tread a dangerous path, which leads them to a thrilling climax at the annual tournament at Gorlan, where a series of bitter duels must be fought and won. This origin story brings readers to a time before Will was an apprentice, and lays the groundwork for the epic battles that will culminate with The Ruins of Gorlan and The Burning Bridge—Books 1 and 2 of the Ranger’s Apprentice series.

Free PDF ebooks (user's guide, manuals, sheets) about Ranger apprentice series download epub 12 ready for download. Rangers Apprentice 12 Epub Download Nook February 19 2017 Written by Amanda and from.

• Print (paperback and hardcover) • No. Of books 12 Preceded by () Followed by Ranger's Apprentice is a series written by Australian author. The first novel in the series, titled, was released in Australia on 1 November 2004 by John Flanagan. Twelve books have been released in Australia and New Zealand, with other countries following behind.

The series follows the adventures of Will, an orphan who is taken as an apprentice Ranger, as he strives to keep the Kingdom of Araluen safe from invaders, traitors, and threats. He is joined on his adventures by his Halt and his best friend Horace. Author John Flanagan has stated that he will be writing a total of twelve books for the series, including a follow-up title taking place 16 years later.

He is currently working on a new series in the same world, but with new characters and taking place in Skandia, called. The sixth book in the series came out June 10, 2016. The series has sold three million copies in 16 countries.

The series was originally twenty short stories Flanagan wrote for his son to get him interested in reading. Ten years later, Flanagan found the stories again and decided to turn them into a book. [ ], a bookstore in Austin, Texas, helped promote the book through a five-day camp.

The series is well praised by critics. A prequel series called Ranger's Apprentice: The Early Years began being released 6 October 2015. This article's plot summary may be. Please by removing unnecessary details and making it more concise. (April 2015) () Apprenticeship [ ] Alongside the other people, Will is an orphan in Castle Redmont. At age 15, the orphans are expected to either become an apprentice of one of the masters at Redmont Fief or to work in the fields.

Will wanted to be a knight, but was denied apprenticeship by the various Craftsmasters. Afterwards, Will is selected by Halt to become a ranger. Rangers are the intelligence force and unofficial 'spies' of Araluen. They have mastered many skills, particularly camouflage and archery.

After being an apprentice for a few days, Will's teacher, a legendary Ranger named Halt, takes Will to see his new horse. With Tug, Will trains in the skills needed to pass his assessment at the annual Ranger Gathering. However, The Gathering is cut short with rumors of Morgarath's underlings, the Kalkara. Will, a Ranger called Gilan, and Halt pursue the Kalkara, two monstrous creatures with a transfixing gaze, sent on a mission to assassinate Halt. Gilan gives his horse to Will and he travels to Castle Redmont to fetch help. Halt kills one of the Kalkara but is injured in the process.

Will then arrives just in time and kills the beast with a flaming arrow. In the second book,, a war is approaching and Will, Gilan, and Horace, Will's friend, are sent to Celtica to ask for reinforcements. However, when they arrive, every town is deserted. Only an Araluen girl named Evanlyn can tell them what has happened. Wargals have kidnapped and slaughtered some of the population and forced the rest to flee. Gilan moves on ahead of Will and Horace to report to the King.

Meanwhile, Will, Horace, and Evanlyn encounter Wargals. They follow them to the Fissure, a deep gorge thought to be impassable. The Celtican miners were all captured to complete a bridge across the Fissure, and a tunnel through the cliffs above up to Morgarath's lair.

The bridge and tunnel would allow Morgarath's army to assault the King's army straight from behind and crushing it. Will, Horace and Evanlyn who is, in truth, the Crown Princess Cassandra, discover this. Horace tells Gilan what happened and they ride back to the main army. They inform the king and his advisers of Morgarath's plan, and the king dispatches an auxiliary force, led by Halt, to stop a force of Skandians that has come up from the coast to outflank the king's army. Halt succeeds in destroying the Skandian force and he returns to the king with a plan.

Halt's troops dress in the unmistakable horned helmets of the dead Skandians and take their shields, leading Morgarath to believe that the Skandians are ready to outflank the king. This goads Morgarath into ordering his Wargals to charge into the open plain.

However, just as the armies are about to collide, the king's army parts in the middle, and Halt's cavalry charge down the open center at the advancing Wargals. The Wargals, who are afraid only of horses, are demolished by Halt's cavalry, and by the king's horsemen who join in the assault. Seeing his army destroyed, Morgarath offers a flag of truce and prepares to challenge Halt to single combat to avenge his own defeat. Halt nearly accepts Morgarath's challenge, but Horace challenges Morgarath instead.

Because he is wildly inexperienced, while Morgarath is an accomplished warrior, Horace is hopelessly outmatched by Morgarath. However, by diving under the hooves of Morgarath's steed, Horace manages to dismount him. Fighting on foot, Horace's sword is broken, but he uses a Ranger tactic, the 'double knife defense', to stop Morgarath's next attack, and he stabs Morgarath through the heart with the knife. In the third book,, Will and Cassandra are taken as slaves to Skandia, a frozen, pine forested country north-east across the Constant Sea at Araluen border. Will is forced to work outside in the bitter cold of the Yard. He quickly becomes addicted to warmweed, a drug that gives a person warmth, but also destroys the mind. The Skandian who captured Will and Cassandra, Erak, sets up a plot to rid Will of his addiction and escape with Cassandra.

The two succeed in escaping, and take refuge in a small log cabin for winter. While there, Will overcomes his addiction with much help from Cassandra.

To rescue Will and Cassandra, Horace and Halt also set off for Skandia by crossing into Gallica and making their way north along the coast. Horace becomes known as 'The Oakleaf Knight' as he defeats many Gallican knights in combat. In the fourth book,, while foraging for food, Cassandra is captured by a Temujai warrior. The Temujai are a fierce, nomadic tribe of horse warriors from the east and are masters of the recurve bow.

Will tries to rescue her, but fails until Horace and Halt come along. Halt captures one Temujai and realizes the Temujai are back to try and take over the western world again. Twenty years earlier, they almost succeeded until politics and a serving of bad shellfish got in the way. Halt agrees to help Skandia drive off the Temujai since Halt feels if the Temujai defeat the Skandians, they will then attack Teutlandt, Gallica, and at last, Araluen. The Skandians make use of Halt's knowledge of the Temujai tactics, and Will takes charge of a force of archers to use in the upcoming battle against the Temujai.

During the battle, the Skandians surprise the Temujai with their archers, and they use the archers to destroy the Temujai system. The Temujai are forced to withdraw or risk having their previous conquests revolt. The Skandian 'Oberjarl' Ragnak, is killed in the battle, and Erak is elected to succeed him. Erak agrees to stop massed attacks against Araluen resulting in the end of constant Skandian raids against the Araluen coast. Takes place in between books 4 and 5, a few months before Will receives his Silver Oakleaf. Skandian Oberjarl Erak Starfollower goes on one last raid to Arrida. However, he gets captured for a ransom while he is attempting to raid Al Shabah, a province in Arrida.

Because Erak believes that he was betrayed by Toshak, a Skandian, the raiding party goes to Araluen for the ransom money. Princess Cassandra goes to Arrida to negotiate prices with Selethen, the Wakir (leader) of Al Shabah. Will, Gilan, Halt, Horace, and thirty of Erak's men go along for protection. They are also there to deliver the ransom. After the negotiation is over, Selethen reveals that Erak was being held in Mararoc, a fort in the desert, so they travel there.

However, Erak is stolen by the Tualaghi, a merciless nomadic tribe of devil worshipers. The rescue party, with the help of the Bedullin tribe, eventually turn the leader of the Tualaghi into a slobbering mess and free Erak. Princess Cassandra reasons that she no longer has to pay the ransom to the Arridi, because the Tualaghi held Erak when the Araluens saw him. Nevertheless, she decides to pay twenty thousand reels of silver each to the Bedullin and the Arridi.

At the end of the book, Will is promoted to full Ranger and is awarded a Silver Oakleaf. First mission [ ] After receiving his Silver Oakleaf and being given Seacliff fief to take care of, Will takes on his first mission as a full Ranger throughout the books of and. A few weeks after arriving in the fief, Will is sent north to Macindaw to investigate claims of sorcery. The lord of Castle Macindaw, Syron, was struck down. Diablo 2 Lod Maphack Patch 11364.

Many believe a sorcerer to be the cause of the illness since Syron's ancestor was also murdered by a sorcerer who some think is Orman, Syron's son; or Malkallam, an old sorcerer who poisoned Syron's ancestor. Alyss is sent up to help Will, but is captured by the rogue knight Keren, responsible for poisoning Syron and Orman. Will manages to escape with Orman and his assistant Xander, and enlists the help of the sorcerer who is in fact a gifted healer called Malcolm. Horace is also sent up north by Halt to provide back-up.

To rescue the castle, Alyss, Horace and Will devise a plan. They receive the help of the Skandians that Will gave supplies to and use them to assault the castle. Horace explains that to successfully capture a castle, a three-to-one ratio is needed. With only about 25 Skandians and 35 soldiers in the castle this would seem impossible.

Will hears a rumour of a Scotti Invasion so he captures General MacHaddish, who tells him the plan. Malcolm sets up some conjurations that draw the attention of the soldiers in the castle to one side, while Will and Horace infiltrate the castle using a strange upside-down cart. Soon the Skandians also enter the castle. Will quickly climbs up to the tower where Alyss is being held. However, Keren hypnotised Alyss into believing Will is the enemy, and orders her to kill him.

As she holds a sword above her head to kill him, Will tells Alyss, that he loves her, and the hypnosis is broken. As Keren attacks Will, she throws acid into his face and Keren stumbles backwards and falls out the window (which Alyss had weakened with the same acid) while the Skandians, led by Horace, are able to take control of the castle. Will returns to his fief with his first mission as a full Ranger a success. At his log cabin he receives a letter from Alyss stating that Will told her in a dream that he loved her, and that Horace has told her that although it seems like a dream, it might not be.

At the end of her letter she writes 'I love you, Will.' Will leaves his log cabin again with Tug, to deliver his own letter to Alyss. The Outsiders [ ] In and, Will, Halt and Horace are sent to Clonmel to prevent a called the Outsiders from taking power. The cult offers to a village from bandits that are actually part of the Outsiders in exchange for gold. When the village has been stripped of its possessions, the cult runs off to the next village. In this fashion, they take over five of the six kingdoms of Hibernia. Halt, Will and Horace are sent to Clonmel, the last kingdom, to try to prevent the cult from expanding into Araluen.

Halt tries to persuade his twin brother, King Ferris, to use his troops to drive the cult out. In the end, the cult loses power in Clonmel, but the leader, Tennyson, runs away to try to reach the other five sections, which he controls. During the confusion when Tennyson escapes, King Ferris is killed by a Genovesan assassin, and Halt's nephew becomes king. Will, Halt and Horace leave Clonmel to chase the.

After reaching a smuggler's port and managing to get information on Tennyson's whereabouts, the trio hires a ship to take them to Picta, where a smuggler had taken him. The chase is on as the three pursue him through a drowned forest, and finally, at an encounter with Tennyson's hired assassins, Halt is shot with a poisoned arrow and incapacitated. Due to Picta's geographical location being near Macindaw, Will does a tiring one-day one-night ride to reach Malcolm, the man that is the best healer in all of Araluen, if not the world. After bringing the healer back, Will learns that Halt was poisoned with a toxin that has another toxin extremely similar to it, and they both have antidotes, but the wrong one will kill him. Will then captures the assassin that fired the arrow, and forces him into telling which type of toxin he used by poisoning the assassin with his own poison, and Malcolm cures Halt.

Later that night, the assassin tries to escape, but Will manages to kill him before he does. The group, on the move again, manage to find that Tennyson is up to his old tricks again and is trying to swindle the money out of more countrymen. Using Halt's similarity to King Ferris, whom Tennyson murdered, they manage to discredit Tennyson in front of the farmers. They proceed to use their reputation as Rangers and drive the men off. Will manages to kill Tennyson by dropping the entire batch of Malcolm's self-made smoke bombs, causing a cave-in that kills Tennyson and his followers in the debris, giving Halt, Horace, and Will a heroes' welcome when they return to Araluen. The Emperor of Nihon-Ja [ ] begins with Horace and George(from the Ward) in Nihon-Ja, speaking with their Emperor, Shigeru.

Meanwhile, Will, Halt, Selethen, and Alyss are watching a Toscan general demonstrate his military tactics while at a treaty signing between the Toscans and the Arridi, both allies of Araluen. During a ride in which the Emperor of Nihon-Ja accompanies Horace and George back to the city in which they could sail back home, they are told by the Emperor's Cousin, Shuikin, that there has been a coup against the Emperor. Furthermore, a Senshi (Skilled Nihon-Jan swordsmen) ambush nearly succeeds in killing the Emperor, but Horace intervenes and decides to help the seemingly ill-fated Emperor find a legendary, impenetrable fortress known as Ran-Koshi while George goes to the nearest city and sends word to the famous Ranger duo. Back in Toscana, the Crown Princess of Araluen, Cassandra, appears and enlists the help of the two Rangers, Alyss, and Selethen to go after Horace, using Gundar Hardstriker's ship (From Books 5 and 6).

En route to Ran-Koshi, Horace's party befriends the local woodworkers known as the Kikori. For Halt's party, they encounter a pirate ship but make short work of it. After paying a Kikori village for their hospitality, people from that village catch up and tell the Emperor that a Senshi scouting party destroyed their village. From then on, Kikori of various villages came to join Horace's group on the trek to Ran-Koshi. Halt's group hits Nihon-Ja and they arrive at an inn, making a rendezvous with an ally of the Emperor.

Horace, on the other hand, allows Shuikin and a few Senshi delay Arisaka's enormous Senshi party of around five-hundred while they buy more time by crossing a bridge and destroying it. In this encounter, Horace drops his sword into a ravine. Halt's group learns of Horace's whereabouts and Horace's group hits Ran-Koshi –. Horace's group settles in while Halt's group sails around and enters the plot of land nearest to Ran-Koshi. Halt's group is apprehended by a Kikori scouting patrol, but when presented to Horace, he recognises them and gives them a warm welcome.

They set up a large wooden wall to stop Arisaka's army, and in the first day, they manage a victory with about two losses. Horace gets a new sword, which was Shuikin's dying present.

The girls, (Cassandra and Alyss) set out across an enormous lake in a canoe to recruit a gigantic tribe of warriors allied with the Emperor: the Hassanu. Will, noting how the Kikori work together excellently, copies the Toscan general at the beginning of the book and forms the same fighting position as he does. They launch an attack against the second Senshi scouting party, and in this encounter, Will manages to intercept a flying arrow and Horace kills the enemy in single combat. Alyss and Cassandra manage to make it to the other side of the giant lake and establish contact with the Hassanu, but they find out that they are not willing to cross a forest en route to Ran-Koshi due to a 'malevolent spirit.' Alyss and Cassandra set out to kill the malevolent spirit. Arisaka's main party arrives near Ran-Koshi, but due to heavy snows, wait for spring to begin their assault.

Alyss and the Princess discover that the 'spirit' was actually a giant snow tiger, and after a fierce battle, kill it. Spring arrives, and Halt's group attacks Arisaka using their two shield walls. The battle seems evened out until Arisaka's reinforcements arrive. Then, as Will and co. Are regrouping, Alyss and Cassandra arrive with the Hassanu. Before a bloody battle can start, the Emperor calls a truce in which they manage to convince everyone, including Arisaka's army, that the Emperor is truly a good man and Arisaka was a power-hungry fool. Arisaka is enraged by this and kills the man nearest to him.

Will directly confronts him and kills him with a well-placed throwing knife. On the way back to Araluen, they discuss their nicknames given to them by the Nihon-Jan, with Horace's being Kurokuma (Black Bear/Eating Prowess), Selethen's being Taka (Hawk/Nose or Fighting Capability.), Alyss's being Tsuru (Crane/Obvious), Cassandra's being Kitsune (Fox/Because she's speedy), Halt's being.

Halt, and Will's being Chocho (Butterfly/Because his mind is as nimble as one). On the return trip to Araluen, Horace and Cassandra announce that they are engaged. The book ends with Will making a very, very poor attempt at proposing to Alyss and Alyss marching off in mock indignation.

Note: The Nihon-Jan language is basically Japanese using. They are also explained in the book.

The Lost Stories [ ] consists of 10 different short stories. It contains a foreword set in July 1896 in Redman County (Formerly Castle Redmont) situated in The Republic of Aralan States (Formerly the medieval Kingdom of Araluen) where Professor Giles MacFarlane has set up a digging expedition to uncover any important pieces of history. They had unearthed a granite plaque, carved with the likeness of a tusked boar, signifying that the area was once Castle Redmont. In the third season of digging, they had not found anything as important as that first one. The professor was losing hope until one of the young volunteers named Audrey rushed up to him and informed him of a cabin they had found outside the village limits. They discovered a secret compartment in the floor containing an ancient wood and brass chest.

The chest contained The Lost Stories of Araluen, which picked up the stories of the Rangers after their return from Nihon-Ja. The Royal Ranger [ ] opens to a chilling contrast of the established Will. Years after the other books, he has become bitter and depressed after the loss of Alyss who died saving a girl from a burning inn lit by Jory Ruhl.

Because of this, Will becomes obsessed with hunting the man down. Worried about Will's state, his friends attempt to help him.

After multiple failed attempts, Halt suggests the bestowing upon Will of an apprentice. He also suggests Princess Madelyn (Maddie) for this role as her parents, Horace and Cassandra, are desperate to keep her under control. She is overwhelmed when she reaches the cabin as she was expecting a holiday of sorts rather than the cruel Ranger training. To enforce the gravity of the situation Will reveals to her that she has been disinherited by her parents until such a time as she can prove herself. As Maddie adjusts to life as a Ranger, she slowly helps to remedy Will's bitterness and soften his heart. It is not long before the pair are set on their first mission, to investigate the suspicious death of Ranger Liam. They soon discover the cause was a group of slavers kidnapping children, led by Jory Ruhl, using the story of the stealer in the night to frighten them into keeping quiet.

When they confront the group, Maddie succeeds in freeing the children but Will is captured and condemned to be burnt at the stake. Once the children are safe, Maddie pulls off a daring rescue but is injured in the process. Will then manages to treat her wounds and kill Ruhl. When they return, Maddie is presented with her bronze oakleaf, officiating her apprenticeship. Her mother also offers to reinstate her as princess but, much to the Queen's surprise, she declines, instead wanting to continue her training. Main characters [ ] • Will- His mother said to have died in childbirth and his father a hero, he grows up as an orphan in Araluen with Alyss, Horace, George and Jenny. After being turned away from battle school by Sir Rodney for his small stature, he becomes apprentice to the Ranger, Halt.

Though he is short and slight of build, he is athletic with a natural aptitude for climbing and moving unseen by others. He has curly brown hair that hangs unkempt around his face and deep brown eyes, sometimes mistaken for black. He is inquisitive and bright and well suited for the strategic and sometimes innovative planning needed from any king's ranger. • Alyss- A longtime friend of Will and Horace, she is tall and slender with fair skin, light eyes, and long blonde hair. She has a diplomatic nature and carries herself with poise and grace.

She displays sharp wit and cunning throughout the series and, despite her feminine and gentile nature, holds herself well among her sometimes rough and impulsively passionate friends. • Horace- As a child, he had a tendency to pick on Will, being much larger than the other boy and very assertive in nature. He is accepted as an apprentice in battle school and shows an uncanny aptitude with the sword, dubbed 'a natural' by Sir Rodney in his first year. As they age, the spats of their youth fade away and Horace and Will become great friends. He is a straightforward young man both in thought and attitude, favoring honor and displaying the strong ethics brought on by battle school training.

He has an unparalleled appetite, pointed out on numerous occasions by his friends and much appreciated by Jenny. • Evanlyn/Cassandra- Cassandra, more commonly known as Evanlyn, is a small in comparison to the lanky Alyss with honey-colored hair and large green eyes. She quickly befriends Will and Horace, though tension grows with Alyss as sometimes will with young women in the presence of attractive young men. She is a natural leader, with an authoritative and often stubborn nature. She is dignified and quick-thinking and never one to shy away from an adventure.

She is fiercely loyal to her friends and places great stock in trust and the value of her companions. • Halt- The object of many a legend in the Kingdom, Halt prefers to keep to himself. These legends have preceded him and have been exaggerated, as is often so, such that many who meet him are surprised by his short and deceptively unassuming nature. While he is often viewed as standoffish and even dangerous, he enjoys the company of his cheerful and eager apprentice. He is a hermit in nearly every sense of the word, living in a cottage at the edge of the fief, cutting his own dark hair with his knife and never seen out of his mottled green ranger's cloak. His dark beard is flecked grey with age and the stress of many a hard won battle.

He is sharp and perceptive, maintaining an air of constant vigilance and seriousness. Though he seems to have a soft spot for his horse, his apprentices, and one special lady. • Gilan- Gilan is not much older than Will, having been Halt's previous apprentice. Gilan was not raised an orphan, but rather is the son of a very well known knight in the kingdom.

He was groomed for battle school and trained as a swordsman until his choosing day, where he announced that he wished to become a ranger. Therefore, unlike most rangers, he is an expert swordsman in addition to the bow. He is the master of unseen movement - usually only detectable by Halt. He is very charismatic and known to rib his ranger companions with good-natured humor, even the grim-faced Halt.

• Crowley- He is the commandant of the ranger core and bears many of the same characteristics as Halt, likely from their long history of shared experiences. However he does display openly a sense of humor and fondness for his rangers. He is a master strategist, and if you don't believe that just ask him yourself. • Jenny- One of the orphans of Araluen, she is a full-figured, pretty-faced blonde with a bubbly personality and a love for cooking - and the food that comes with.

She catches many eyes in the kingdom and her apprenticeship under Master Chubb forms her into a well-respected chef. It also shapes her sense of confidence into an authoritative nature, allowing her to command a room and everyone in it. She also picks up her master's habit of rapping deserving staff on the back of the head with her ladle. • Tug- Tug is Will's horse and certainly a character worthy of mention. As is often the case with rangers, Will spends a majority of his time alone with Tug and so they frequently converse in the way that people will with their animal companions. The shaggy grey horse is little more in appearance than a pony, though ranger horses are of a particular breed with incredible strength, stamina, and intelligence. He is trained to respond to an endless list of commands from his master and the bond between rider and horse is clear in the way that Tug never leaves Will's side, even when he disagrees with his master's risky and sometimes foolish plans.

Publishing history and origins [ ] stated that he first wrote the series as short stories for his son to get him interested in reading. This continued for about 20 weeks. Ten years later, John Flanagan found the stories again and decided to turn them into the first book,. However, he never knew that the one book would be able to turn into so many volumes. He still does not know how many books there will be in total.

Instead, Flanagan states 'I haven't set a limit. If I have an idea that will progress the characters, I'll write it. But I don't want to find myself jumping up and down on the same spot, as it were.' The inspiration for the series comes from many sources, including family, friends, and European times. Rangers are based on two groups of people, the Texas Rangers and the. Although the US Rangers were based on, Flanagan felt it would be better to use Rangers because of the medieval setting of the book. The mythical world of the story is based on England, Europe, and Scandinavia because Flanagan was inspired by 'English and European culture and history'.

Besides this, John Flanagan is also interested in military subjects, which helped him write the battle scenes. Celtica's mining culture is like Wales while Gallica takes its name and language from medieval France in its age around the year 1300. Some of the books' characters were based on Flanagan's family and friends.

Will was based on Flanagan's son Michael; both are agile, quick and quite short. John Flanagan also made Will small in size because he wanted to show his son that there's an advantage to being small. The exchanges between Halt and Will are taken from conversations between Flanagan and his son as a teenager. Horace was inspired by Michael's best friend Jeremey.

In the original story however, Flanagan made Horace a villain at first, but then in the first book, Morgarath became the real villain and Horace was 'rehabilitated' as a main character. Skandians were taken from Norse culture and Vikings, which Flanagan found interesting as a child. The gods and deities of the Skandians were taken from and. The god Loka mentioned a few times is based on, the god of deceit. The Vallas, the trio of gods, are based on the.

Sales [ ] Rights to sell Ranger's Apprentice have gone to 16 countries including North America (where is better known as The Battle for Skandia), United Kingdom, France, Germany, The Netherlands, Italy, Denmark and Sweden. In Australia, the seventh book,, reached number two on Australian children's charts.

The series has been on for 77 weeks asof 13 December 2013. As of 2010, over 5 million copies had been sold in the United States alone. Themes [ ] John Flanagan states in an interview that the main theme is, 'the eventual triumph of good over evil.' He feels that although it does not always happen in real life, it should. Another theme especially prominent throughout is 'the primacy of personal relationships over loyalties to one's country or duty.'

This is shown when Erak's friendship helps Will and Evanlyn escape which allows the Araluens and Skandians to drive away the Temujai. Other themes include courage, loyalty, and that a person can do anything if they tried hard enough. One review noted that 'themes of loyalty, bravery, endurance and friendship leave young readers in safe hands as they learn to navigate dangerous waters on their own.' Camp [ ], which also created Camp Half-Blood from, created a Ranger's Apprentice Corps Training Camp based on the books. A total of 75 kids from the ages of 9–12 were chosen from 1,300 entries. A letter was sent to the kids from the voice of Will, actually written by John Flanagan, which stated they would learn 'all the skills I was taught by Halt [Will's Ranger mentor] in the woods around Castle Redmont', including 'archery, tracking, and the art of concealment and unseen movement.'

The 75 campers were divided into 12 fiefdoms where they were taught the skills and at the end, every kid received a T-shirt, a silver oak leaf pin, and a gold-embossed Ranger's Apprentice bookmark. This was the first literary camp that has sold out and has a waiting list besides Camp Half-Blood. There are also plans for another camp in the following summer.

Critical reception [ ] Ranger's Apprentice has been well received by many reviewers. One part many reviewers praised was the vivid details during battles. Another review also praised the imagery and stated, 'vivid imagery and detail make the medieval-like elements believable' A review for stated, 'filled with rich detail and plenty of edge-of-your-seat thrills' again praising the details. Another aspect commonly praised is the fact that Will, the main protagonist still asks for the help of others.

A review for stated the same thing writing, 'Though talented and intelligent, [Will] makes mistakes and he often needs help from those around him – making him a very realistic and appealing protagonist.' One reviewer from noted that although in the point of view constantly shifted, it is not confusing and also stated, 'Will's vivid world will entice fantasy readers who are drawn by the lure of high adventure carried out by believable, down-to-earth heroes.' In another review by, the review was on and praised the book on the high tensions raised and recommended it to people who enjoy action and adventure. However, not all reviews were completely positive. One reviewer thought that the Wargals sounded and were too alike to Urgals in the. The same reviewer also felt that the story was not very original stating, 'from the very beginning, it was a story I'd heard before.' At the end the reviewer stated, 'The books aren't horrible.

They're just nothing new.' In a review for The Ruins of Gorlan, the reviewer stated 'the pace is a good balance between character development and action, and the rivalry between Horace and Will is developed in a satisfactory way.'

It also praised how the writing is very descriptive without being dry or slow. Awards [ ] The Ranger's Apprentice has won numerous awards. The series was one of the honour books for the Koala Winners in 2009. The seventh book,, was chosen as the Books of the Year for Older Children and the International Success Award.

The first and fourth book won the Aurealis Awards while the third book was highly commended Then, the first, second and fifth book each earned the Children's Book Council of Australia Notable Book. The first book was also the Longlisted for the Ottakar's Book Prize for 2006–2007 and the first book also was nominated for the Grand Canyon Reader Award in 2008. Film adaptation [ ] As of 7 January 2008, has optioned the film rights for and is in talks with Oscar-winning filmmaker to adapt and direct the movie. When John Flanagan first heard the news he said: It's just so overwhelming to see that the Ranger's series is set to head off in yet another exciting direction. When I think how this all started as a series of twenty short stories written for my son Michael, it sets my head spinning to think there's the distinct possibility that it will now be translated into movies and seen by millions of people around the world.

John Flanagan stated in a Facebook Q&A that the funds for the movie have been acquired and auditions would be held in the Summer of 2015, in either Ireland or England. Production starts in the fall of 2016. References [ ]. • Chandler, Ben.. The Australian Literature Review.. Retrieved 6 October 2010. External link in publisher= () • Ehrlich, Brenna (26 March 2015)..

Retrieved 27 April 2015. Washington Post. 23 July 2006. Retrieved 25 June 2010. Pengin Group. Retrieved 27 June 2010. Retrieved 1 July 2010.

Penguin Group. Retrieved 25 June 2010. Retrieved 12 July 2010. Random House. Retrieved 28 June 2010.

13 December 2013. Retrieved 24 September 2013. • ^ Kirch, Claire (24 June 2010)... Retrieved 29 June 2010. Retrieved 27 June 2010. Retrieved 29 June 2010. • Reutter, Vicki (1 December 2007)..

School Library Journal. Retrieved 21 July 2010. • Raklovits, Amanda (1 August 2007).. School Library Journal. Retrieved 21 July 2010. • Phelan, Carolyn (15 May 2006).. Retrieved 21 July 2010.

• Collier, Ginny (1 June 2008).. School Library Journal.

Retrieved 21 July 2010. Retrieved 29 June 2010. Retrieved 1 July 2010. Retrieved 30 June 2010.

The Sydney Morning Herald. 16 June 2008.

Retrieved 30 June 2010. Retrieved 30 June 2010. • Carly Mayberry (7 January 2008)..

Retrieved 27 January 2010. External links [ ] • • •.

The international bestselling series with over 5 million copies sold in the U.S. They have always scared him in the past—the Rangers, with their dark cloaksand shadowy ways. The villagers believe the Rangers practice magic that makes them invisible to ordinary people. And now 15-year-old Will, always small for his age, has been chosen as a Ranger's apprentice. What he doesn't yet realize is that the Rangers are the protectors of the kingdom.

Highly trained in the skills of battle and surveillance, they fight the battles before the battles reach the people. And as Will is about to learn, there is a large battle brewing. The exiled Morgarath, Lord of the Mountains of Rain and Night, is gathering his forces for an attack on the kingdom. This time, he will not be denied.... Here is the fantasy adventure that launched the Ranger's Apprentice series, an epic story of heroes and villains that has become an international phenomenon. Perfect for fans of J.R.R. Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings, T.H. White’s The Sword in the Stone, Christopher Paolini’s Eragon series, and George R.

Martin’s Game of Thrones / A Song of Ice and Fire series.