Import Reconstructor V1 6 Final Scylla - x64/x86 Imports Reconstruction ImpREC, CHimpREC, Imports Fixer. This are all great tools to rebuild an import table, but they all have some major disadvantages, so I decided to create my own tool for this job.

Scylla's key benefits are: • x64 and x86 support • full unicode support • written in C/C++ • plugin support • works great with Windows 7 This tool was designed to be used with Windows 7 x64, so it is recommend to use this operating system. But it may work with XP and Vista, too. Source code is licensed under GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE v3.0 Known Bugs Windows 7 x64 Sometimes the API kernel32.dll GetProcAddress cannot be resolved, because the IAT has an entry from apphelp.dll Solution? I don't know Only Windows XP x64: Windows XP x64 has some API bugs. 100% correct imports reconstruction is impossible.

If you still want to use XP x64, here are some hints: • EncodePointer/DecodePointer exported by kernel32.dll have both the same VA. Scylla, CHimpREC and other tools cannot know which API is correct. You need to fix this manually. Your fixed dump will probably run fine on XP but crash on Vista/7. ImpREC plugin support: Some ImpREC Plugins don't work with Windows Vista/7 because they don't 'return 1' in the DllMain function.

I wrote this code some time ago that is supposed to terminate the application if a threat is detected. It's not so complicated, but it works:) Maybe you can modify the code a little and use it in your DLLs (or maybe this will just give you a new idea).

Thanks for the feedback, I was originally hoping for a recommended 3rd party product. By nature I tend to get my hands dirty on lots of things - & thought this might be better to license someone else's work.

A couple of things: 1) The known debugger strings given above (e.g. 'ProcDump32 (C) 1998, 1999, 2000 G-RoM, Lorian & Stone', etc) are very specific, but are there not a couple of problems:? A) if a later version of debugger is issued with minor changes to the string (e.g.

Adding 2005.) the code above won't find it, and b) Since the strings are so specific, wouldn't it be easy to find these in the 'protected' DLL and 'adjust' the strings slightly so that an active debugger would not be detected? 2) In the EE link above, I notice reference to sample code, I understand this to be a simple working DLL including the debugger checks. Is this still available? I'd be happy to go to maximum points for working code Thanks G. I adjusted the code a litle so that if finds the programs without specifying the entire caption. Thanks for the various infos I've set up a (D6) test program to test the various debugger check options, but have a couple of problems: i) I notice that with the 'BoundsCheckerDetected' function, when running fromthe IDE it always stops on the 5th line 'cmp ax, 4', but if I run the compiled executable directly it raises the exception 'ShowMessage(.' What is happening here?

Import REConstructor 1.7c 汉化绿色版 Import. Import REConstructor v1.7c Final. Import REConstructor V1. Xeoma Video Surveillance Review here. 4和V1.6. It is also regarded as the value of one country’s currency in relation to another currency. In this case it is said that the price of a dollar in relation to yen is?

Ii) When I tried to take the code and put it in my DLL, there's a problem with the 'GetWindow' call first parameter 'Application.Handle' (NextHandle:=GetWindow(App lication.H andle,GW_H WNDFIRST); ). I guess this is because the DLL is a background DLL and doesn't have a window itself. How do I solve this? Thanks Geoff.