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1: Blinky_w: LuckyMonkeyFeet 2: fazco85: uncle_rice 3: Dinghydoggy: Dinghydoggy 4: lenglui89: lmkeong89 5: Pakcikkantin: pakcikkantin 6: kmheing 7: edwinlcw 8: sunichiro 9: yoonyin [WTS-Fifa World Cup 2010 R3 @ Rm115 Firm] 10. Omnislash9999 14.writeprotect -realputeraz 15.akid08 16.iMkSeR - irfanIMBA 17.hisoKHALID - akaiser_11 18.lost_destiny: CameraClaus 19.k@ezoon: Kaezoon 20. Date_1990: Date Masamune Recommanded PS3 seller in seremban Please contact heavyarm if you need to buy any PS3 games, based in Subang but will be able to COD to seremban. This post has been edited by blinky_w: Apr 14 2011, 10:52 AM. I know where is it. RM5 big big bowl. Just near my area there.

But i can't remember your face already.hahaha no lar. Dun have the mood for darksider.coz that time crazy about MW2.till now. So seldom play.until almost forget liao.hahah.a Added on April 5, 2010, 2:55 pm Ohhh pakcik from senawang o!!! MSG4 can play online, last time i try to update via BT or via website.left it there for 10 minutes didn't run at all. Till now didn't play the MP for MGS4. I never try socom it good or better then MW2?

BFBC2 i will see u on battleground most of the time!!! When u normally go back seremban?

Bioshock is the only i play over and over again.uncharted still haven't finish. Will take time to finish it. In bioshock since money is not a bad problem, put a headshot in every corpse.not a bad thing. Drill dash really knock ppl head off?? Never see that be4.

Have u seen how a big daddy harvest little sister. I like the little sister say mmmm.mashmellow.

(when u touch a person on flame) Added on April 6, 2010, 2:26 pm myb LCD refresh rate is much more faster then normal TV.that maybe the cause of the problem. Bioshock is the only i play over and over again.uncharted still haven't finish. Will take time to finish it.

In bioshock since money is not a bad problem, put a headshot in every corpse.not a bad thing. Drill dash really knock ppl head off?? Never see that be4. Have u seen how a big daddy harvest little sister. I like the little sister say mmmm.mashmellow.

(when u touch a person on flame) Yup,money isn't everythg 4 me there, jz need it to buy med kit n eve. All i ws focus on was hrvesting little sister so dat cn buy plasmid n extra slot. Nop, drill dash can't, bt rilli sure hope it could cuz it would b awsome,jz imagine, drill splicer head off jz by drilling it,haha Rilli?? Did she said dat?? Hahaha, myb i missed it.

Added on April 6, 2010, 6:17 pm. Yup,money isn't everythg 4 me there, jz need it to buy med kit n eve.

All i ws focus on was hrvesting little sister so dat cn buy plasmid n extra slot. Nop, drill dash can't, bt rilli sure hope it could cuz it would b awsome,jz imagine, drill splicer head off jz by drilling it,haha Rilli?? Did she said dat?? Hahaha, myb i missed it.

Added on April 6, 2010, 6:17 pm Yup, when i played Uncharted 2 sp, all of my family mmbr gather round jz 2 watch me playin it, they said it was like watching a movie, their story telling is the most superb by far. Same here, wont b sellin it even with the release of uncharted 3. I am musou fan since ps2 for me the gundam musou 2 quite good game and fresh feeling for a musou game haha.luckily i bought jap vers coz i cannot tahan the english voice acting from youtube.omg. Hokuto musou is my next target.ngek3.or may be wait it release hokuto musou 2 first? Yalo2 cyber super wonder hardly to find a mosquito in my room 2day ok la got rain but awhile only.sad.kinda hope it will rain till night.sure nice to slp haha.

This post has been edited by lengnui89: Apr 13 2010, 06:38 PM. Depends what types of game you like, my first ps3 game is Metal gear solid 4 and it is the only game that i wont sell.

(fanzbaoy ) fps? Action adventure? If want long game, normally multiplayer game is the best choice because u can play online with your friends for example: Killzone 3 (fps), uncharted 2 (*highly recommended* 3rd person shooter),GT5(racing) and many more you also can play some psn game for example NEW contra (hardcorps:uprising, it is totally awesome!) psn game u can find bro terion he is a good & friendly seller,he will teach you step by step how to DL psn game This post has been edited by lengnui89: Apr 10 2011, 01:15 AM. You said nothing interesting in Paroi? There's always mat rempit there hanging around with big muffler. Hahaha lately I got almost full bar, right now i played with korean i think because of the way they talk. Yea yea, SP kinda s*ck, oh well still want to finish it.

Haha Added on June 23, 2011, 12:20 am the badminton court was already there since my highschool. What i hate is the basketball court never improve. And now i'm so lazy to play. Don't know if the court was any better, it's been a while since i went to my 'kampung'. But better than Langkawi sports complex here, we have to book to play even there is no one there to play, so i was like WTF? Anyway nice to meet you too, added you already. Wait for 2nd hand haha.

PS vita in my buying list too. But definately not first batch sony style u know one la. Later pop out what colour of dead then GG. Haha 3DS nothing impressed me, so i skip both also good to play. Definately UC 2 is better in terms of graphic and gameplay. U can straight skip to UC 2, because the story does not relate too much with UC 1, however if u str8 play UC2, u might a bit confuse of the character like ' who is this girl suddenly pop out in UC2 but very friend with drake?

' but it is only small matter if ur budget limited to one, str8 away buy UC 2.

—, Parrot Sketch Not Included A kind of epilogue where we're shown what happens to the characters, places and/or the setting after the series. It usually gets about a minute or two during the last extended credits of a, or a less intrusive version of the closing credits may roll over it.

A staple of the films, it differs from a in that we get little flashes (such as photographs, still frames, little captions, narration/voiceover, or a of individual clips) that tell us what happened to the characters, instead of a full scene with dialogue or character interaction. If it shows how each character meets his maker, a. Can be used to create a. If it happens while the credits are rolling, it might be. In video games, this may be done in form of a dynamic. Is the exact opposite of this trope. This is an, so expect spoilers.

• The last half of episode 11 in Finale where it shows under the credits and the ending theme where everyone is going. Also, a case of All Love is Requited. • The last episode of ran pastel drawings under its closing credits that showed obvious 'after the series' images — Makoto and Ifurita snuggling under a tree, Allielle in a, and so on. They may simply be non-canon art pieces, however.

• did this in the end, skipping the series forward six years,. • The following season,, did the same thing, though it didn't skip forward as far. • The manga of closed with a scene showing the seven protagonists settling into their new lives several years later, as well as the circumstances of the spirits of the main couple. •: • Last five minutes of, specifically the shots that show us what the digidestined's careers are, now that they've grown up. • Also used sort of at the end of the fourth movie (2nd in English due to the combining of the first three as ). While the credits are on we see stills of what the characters got up to more or less directly after the film.

• Last five minutes of (5 years later, and less controversial.yeah). • concludes with a short epilogue that takes place several years after the events of the series.

The epilogue is narrated by Marie, the youngest member of the cast, now a fetching girl of about 18 or so. • has one of these, including a scene which subverts 's prior supposed death a couple of minutes before.

• The ending of shows Michiko on her way to a peace talk with the aliens, thirty years after her experiences with Hagino and Mari, still holding a copy of the script of the she wrote and which Hagino wanted to finish playing. • The final episode of shows Doctor Tenma coming back to Germany to see Nina and Dieter, having joined Doctors Without Borders. It also shows Johan in a coma.

Until the ending credits reveal. Previously, it shows that Eva overcomes her problems, Dieter lives happily with Dr.

Reichwein, Nina is being successful in her laws degree and Lunge fixes her relationship with his daughter. • The end of the first season of uses this, with what looks like the main cast all enjoying themselves after Keiichi managed to save Rena.

The reader is treated to a in which everyone has still died and the has -once again- begun anew. • Look at the ending again. That isn't even the same world.

Ooishi acts like Miyo died last night and told Rika. He told Rena before and that happened days before.

• The final scene of shows the crew saying their goodbyes and going their separate ways. But wait: in the post-credit, surprise, surprise, they all get back together again.

• ended with a dialogue-free ending credits sequence that demonstrated what each character did almost immediately following. The extended movie version had completely new sequences that remained dialogue-free, but was a bit more elaborate in what it presented. • Most notably including Lady Une taking Mariemaia to her 'father's' gravestone. A somewhat heartwarming scene (though the man in question didn't really leave a body to put in a tomb). • The final page/episode of depicts a collage of photographs to show what the characters are up to several years after the finale, including Ed, Al, and Winry finding ways to use Al's armor to help people. • does something like this, the last half of the episode showing what everyone's up to after the fallout.

That is, until the movie picks up right where the epilogue leaves off. • In, Akari explains in a letter to Ai what is going on with several characters, apparently a few years after she took over Aria Company. At the very end there is an even bigger time-skip, showing Ai as Akari's new apprentice. • In the manga, Akari's letter is not to Ai, but to the readers of her blog, which include Cait Sith, although the timeskip event is still the same. • ends with one of these.

The funniest is that Jeremiah, who had been tormented by the derisive name 'Orange', ends up accepting the name and living growing oranges! • The credits of show incidents from the future, starting with the mother's return from the hospital. • Similarly, the credits of show what happened with Tombo's aviator's club, Jiji and Lily, ect. • In the final episode of, Tenchi recounts what happens to everyone after he defeats Kagato. • The last episode of goes directly from the final to what appears to be the events occurring about half a year after, showing what the characters' lives are now like (and stuffing half of the sequence with a collection of the show's ). • has one in the last few minutes of the final episode of the series, showing what Kinkan is like after the story ended. Records Merge Activity Impact 360 Verint Training more.

It also shows that Fakir kept his to Ahiru. • ended with Jean narrating what happened to everybody after Deathsaurus was defeated. Among other things, we find out that Star Saber and Victory Leo survived.

• In the, Satsuki starts to tell a somewhat vulgar one and is cut off. Stories involved her homeroom teacher getting arrested for feeling up one of her classmates and Hajime losing his voice from getting or something like that. • has this before the Fuko and Kouko portion of the final episode. • The ending to the: Enishi anime had a series of animated and still images over the end credits, showing glimpses of the characters several years later. The manga goes into more detail, actually resolving the main romantic plotline, and ending with something of a.

• Part 2 of ended with one of these for all the cast. Of course, given it was scarcely 100 chapters into an (as of now). Yeah it wasn't quite done.

• The collected volume of came with a bonus epilogue that functioned like this— by a video Azmaria recorded for Satella telling her what had happened while she was frozen in crystal. The epilogue was not released in the magazine Chrono Crusade ran in, meaning that fans had to wait for the book to come out to get a clearer idea of what happened after the finale. • The ending of does this, showing the three protagonists walking along their individual paths after splitting up and enjoying the scenery while the credits play. • Following the deciding battle of, time skips ahead a few months to show us the main characters back on their feet and getting ready to fight again, while Masamune and Yukimura meet for their all-important final duel, though the outcome is left ambiguous.

• Turns out Masamune kind of won (Yukimura was being distracted), but didn't get round to finishing the job before a new showed up. • has an epilogue which starts off with a.

A montage of events that occur over approximately three and a half months—particularly Miaka's transition to high school—and then we see Miaka and Yui in high school (complete with montage-filled credits). Keisuke and Tetsuya then set them up with Tamahome's reincarnation, Taka Sukunami—or not, depending on which version you accept, and.! • The last few pages of volume 18 (which is the manga form of the second OVA) shows few pictures of the Suzaku Seishi after their rebirth. Nuriko seems to have gotten his wish of being reborn as a girl so 'he' could be there for Hotohori, Mitsukake is studying herbs with Shouka, who is the reborn version of his girlfriend, Tasuki returned back to his bandit life.

Even the cat Tama started a family! Chichiri is also shown, but we don't know if he used Mitsukake's holy water to cure his destroyed left eye. Miaka and Tamahome/Taka are happily married with a toddler aged son.

• The Ruby/Sapphire arc of ends by showing what the various side characters of the arc are doing after their brush with. Before cutting to a scene of Giovanni picking up the remains of the shattered Red and Blue Orb, setting things up for the Fire Red/Leaf Green arc.

• Also, all of the movies end with scenes showing what Ash Ketchum, Pikachu, and his friends are doing following the films' events along with certain characters from previous movies such as: • In Lucario and the Mystery of Mew when Kidd appears to be exploring Forina, we see Butler and Diane from Jirachi: Wish Maker, having apparently started a farm together. • In Arceus and the Jewel of Life, we see Tonio and Alice from The Rise of Darkrai enjoying a date in a hot air balloon while Baron Alberto attempts to follow them. Darkrai is then seen looking over the town. Then later we see Zero, the villain from Giratina and the Sky Warrior in prison, only to be visited by Newton Graceland who gives him a copy of Infi that survived the Megarig's wreck, much to his delight. Shaymin is also seen, looking out to a sunrise with a smile.

• The anime has one of these in the last episode. • Subverted at the end of: It shows most of the crew, having quit the military, going off to do what they want as per Tylor's advice. Until Captain Yamamoto calls them back to serve on the.

Which is in of itself an epic that is easier to watch than explain. • The second half of the final episode of took place months after Godai and Kyoko's wedding and illustrated how the lives of the various characters continued on in the months since: Akemi has married the owner of ChaChaMaru and moved out of Ikkoku, Kozue is living in Nagoya with her husband, Ibuki is attending an all women's college, Mitaka and Asuna are raising twins, with more on the way. And Godai and Kyoko come back to Ikkoku from the hospital with • The Japanese version of: Duel Monsters has one in the final episode showing the credits montage of the characters returning home and the whereabouts of minor characters. • The extra ending in the final episode of SIN takes place one year after the 2022 racing season, a new racing season opens with some of the racers switching teams and new outfits for the and ending with the marriage ceremony of the main couple. • The last episode of is one of these as well.

• Kiss On My Deity combines this with in an ending that makes little sense whatsoever. • The latest cover-story mini-arc in after the is showing what changes all of the people the Straw Hats have known have undergone. • In the anime, the last few minutes before the credits are a version of this. It shows the current antics of most the characters of the Emiya household such as Sakura, Ilya, Rin and Taiga.

And then it turns and as it shows 's, also known as 's last moments as she dies with her hoping that she'll be able to see Shirou again after her 'long sleep'. • has one as the first half of the episode shows the final battle and the second half shows the group a few months later - they only show the main girls, mostly that Tsubomi is now a proud older sister (and she's gone back to wearing her glasses full time) and Itsuki's finally being a girl, letting her hair grow out and wearing the girl's school uniform. It goes one step further by showing Tsubomi's little sister, standing by Tsubomi's desk, looking at the picture of the Precures and holding Tsubomi's Heart Perfume, hinting that she's next in line to be a Precure. • shows the epilogue over the last three episodes. After half a year after the defeat of ZONE, Lazar became the new mayor. Akiza is finishing up school and contemplates studying overseas. Crow becomes Yusei becomes a and finishes his father's work.

Rua and Ruka received a letter from their parents who want them to leave Domino City to live with them. Jack has been travelling and training.

The last episode then shows everyone eight years after. Rua is training to be the future Turbo Duel champion while Ruka is studying in university. Crow continued to duel as a professional duelist, while Jack becomes the King of the Ride Ace Dueling league, making him the World King. Akiza is a high-ranking doctor. Yusei decides to stay in New Domino to protect it. • Done in, where we see that Takeshi becomes a world-famous soccer player.

Keith Violet is an American politician who campaigns for world peace. Hayato inherited his grandfather's dojo and is a wrestling champion. He and Kei are taking things slowly, while Kei is now a full-time employee for the Blue Men.

Carol is in college. Al is a famous professor. Ryo and Katsumi got married and their daughter is implied to be the reincarnation of Alice. • The last chapter of is largely pictures of the time-skipped girls with a few short paragraphs mentioning how they're living now. Fan reaction to the ending was mixed, not least because of a few important plot points which took place entirely offscreen (Natsumi had another adventure in the Magic World, the twins met some princes and fell in love, Nagi was freed from the Lifemaker), and a number of other characters fans were interested in were simply not mentioned (such as Fate, Fate's girls, and Arika, Negi's mother). • The end credits in the of show what almost the entire cast got up to after Asura's defeat. They're mostly lighthearted (such as Maka improving at basketball and Joe finally getting his coffee) and the final seconds show the students together one last time.

• Five years after the events of the manga, Kenshin and Kaoru have married and have a young son, Kenji. Yahiko is the acting instructor of the dojo, and implies that he and Tsubame eventually become a thing. • Megumi has gone back to Aizu to work as a doctor/search for her family, Sanosuke has left Japan and taken on the role as, and Misao and Aoshi are still in the Oniwabanshuu. Saitou was transferred to an unknown police unit in the epilogue of the manga.

• The non-canon and controversial Reflection OVA takes place presumably 15 to 20 years after the manga, and depicts middle-aged Kenshin and Kaoru, and their teenaged son Kenji has left the dojo to study under Hiko Seijuurou. Kenshin decides to go help out in the first Sino-Japanese war by taking care of people, despite being very ill. He and Kaoru make love one more time before he departs, and she contracts his sickness. Sanosuke is revealed to be in China and finds a very sick Kenshin and Sanosuke sends him back to Tokyo.]] Kenshin makes his way back to home and Kaoru is there to greet him. He later dies in her arms. • Some time later, Kenji is shown with a young girl named Chizuru, who appeared in one of the pilot episodes of the manga. • Other characters make brief appearances, such as adult Yahiko and Tsubame and an older Megumi.

• ends with a scene where we watch various characters at Judy's wedding, but there is no dialogue. Instead, Judy provides narration, explaining what has happened to various people. • ends with an elderly Luke Burns traveling with his daughter and granddaughter to visit his brother Brad, who is buried next to their mother in New York and whose grave shows he lived to the ripe old age of sixty-eight. • The movie version of has a very straightforward one, detailing the future careers of the cast after the end of their Cosmo Academy exam. • In, twenty years after the events of the show, we found out Rossiu became president over the entire galactic alliance with Leeron at his side, Yoko became a principal at a school, Darry and Gimmy now pilot Gurran Lagann, Viral became supreme commander over the entire fleet. And Simon of all people was, though the movie epilogue expanded on what he was doing: he was helping people in need in exchange of planting flowers, fulfilling Nia's dream.

• in —the of every episode shows cheery pictures of the characters from before the series began. Sometimes this hints at things that will be revealed eventually—for example, and playing as children, hinting at their several episodes before Ganta remembers it. • The credits to the final episode of show the characters relatively shortly after the show ends.

•: The last part of the series touches on where the five prodigies went after after the second tournament: • After beating Smile in the finals, Peco went on to rise through the ranks. After a series of commercial deals in Japan, he was drafted to the German national team and now plays in the European leagues. • After coming second in the finals, Smile continued to play competitively before his retirement. He now teaches ping pong to children with Obaba at her dojo. • Kazuma placed third in the second tournament, but returned to form with the retirement of Smile. He was drafted to the Japanese Olympic team, but was replaced by Kong soon after. He retired and now works with the family business.

• Sakuma never returned to ping pong. Instead, he married his girlfriend soon after high school and had two children.

• Kong became a naturalized citizen of Japan and took the name Tsujido Wenge. He continued playing ping pong and was drafted into the Japanese Olympic team, replacing Kazuma, and eventually attending the Olympic Games. • The final two chapters of jump ahead ten years to a reunion held by the former Student Council members on the anniversary of Anshin'in-san's death and show the primary cast while telling about satellite characters. • Zenkichi and Tsurubami have high-level jobs in the Kurokami Foundation (which they earned on their own merits rather than relying on their connections). • Akune runs a highly successful toy company (though he has a habit of going into the factory and assembling the toys himself because it's too much fun) and married Wanizuki of the Not-Equals. • Kikaijima settled down after becoming a housewife and a mother, bringing her newborn son to the reunion.

• Kujira runs the new Flask Plan along with most of the 13s, Mukae runs a flower shop, and Shiranui turned her family's village into a ninja village attraction. • Nobody's heard from Kumagawa in years, but the group assumes he's fine because he's not the kind of person to get in touch unless he needed help (and some readers thought it was implied that he's Kikaijima's husband). Additionally, Anshin'in-san left a message upon Medaka's graduation that made everyone certain she'll be coming back to life some time soon. • Most of the side characters have settled into adulthood well.but, including Medaka. • Speaking of, Medaka mellowed out over time, but is thoroughly enjoying the fact that she no longer. She's still the chairman of the school and is about to launch a plan to restore the moon (after all, she was the one who destroyed it).

She still has the suggestion box, but it's become her 'treasure box' for storing the precious memories of her youth, like the nametags from the 100 flower run. • The series caps off with Zenkichi asking Medaka for one last sparring match now that they're finally on a level playing field, with the stakes being that. • Right before the closing credits of, Takao details what he did after the summer had ended. • At the end of Ogikubo is back where it belongs. Keiji and Luluco are living in space now, Over Justice is the new Commissioner of the Space Patrol, and Midori has taken his place as the Ogikubo Patrol Chief. Lalaco's still terrorizing planets somewhere, as well. And finally, Luluco takes up the name Miss Trigger and wanders the dimensions in order to find Nova again.

• The universe's alternate timeline is show in clips during the credits where Lloyd Steam continues his pontificating to Ray, eventually dies and is buried, followed by a WWI style conflict complete dirigibles burning to the ground, and Scarlett standing proudly in front of a plane she flies. • The back page of the final issue of British comic Buster gave final endings to all the strips, mostly involving. • The final issue of ended with one of these. Hardball and Komodo reconcile with each other and Cloud 9. Batwing and Butterball replace the U-Foes as North Carolina's state superteam, and are in the market for additional members.

Bengal retired, moved to Sunset Park, and opened a martial arts school. Trauma starts, his exact activities. Well, there were in this series, you really don't need to hear about them all. • Oddly, despite writer Christos Gage's obvious intention of this as a sendoff to these characters, whom he expected would never appear again except as, there was a in: Youth in Revolt. • The first issue of the Super Buddies mini-series showed what happened to the members of the after their book was cancelled in the 90's. Most of the heroes were in dire straits, such as Fire, who was now running a softcore porn website. • The last issue of Hard Time was centered around Ethan's parole review, and all the principle characters, mostly Ethan's fellow prisoners, had their 'endings' revealed.

For instance, Curly was released after his granddaughter tirelessly petitioned for appeal, Cindy had her sex change and lived happily ever after, and Cole died during a robbery attempt less than a year after he got out. • The series has one of these in its second-to-last issue for all the major and minor characters. •: The epilogue is set seven years later the end of the story and shows what has happened to the Ikari family in the meantime. •: The epilogue shows the cast’s lives twenty years after the end of SEELE. Most of them are retired, Asuka is still an army officer, Shinji is a music teacher. •: The epilogue chapter happens several years after the: Shinji and Asuka get married and their friends and co-workers attend their wedding. During the ceremony Shinji explains what everyone have been doing during the past years: he and Asuka still work for NERV, are living together and expecting a baby; Rei dealed with a depression for a while but got better and was experimenting with all kind of jobs; Touji and Hikari are still together; Misato started dating Makoto.

•: The final scenes happen several years after Third Impact, and explain what happened to the characters and the world after the final battle. • ends with a brief showing what happened after the defeat of. In addition to showing what happened to the story's central characters, it also shows what happened to a few of the minor characters, including Twilight Sparkle becoming, and Rainbow Dash leading a team of. • The two-part epilogue of includes a brief AP story that says, in essence, “ are not reuniting.” • The end of was entitled Endgame and Epilogues, and after showing Elly's death (not a spoiler), it goes into the lives of the other characters through letters, ranging from six months after the death to fifteen years after.

• has one of these at the end of the fic, showing most of the Inner Senshi resuming their civilian lives, Ami going to study magic at Mid-Childa, Alicia and Hotaru being adopted by Lindy Harlown and the Takamachis respectively, and Nanoha and the rest of her friends resume their duties at the TSAB (presumably in time to start ). • In the story,, which is set ten years after the events of the show, the reminiscence portion of the story ends with thumbnail sketches of what everyone is currently up to. • The epilogue of 2 is. Of course, the story follows the plot of, which also had one of these epilogues. • ends with one, showing snapshots of the surviving viewpoint characters and a galaxy rebuilding in the aftermath of the Reaper War.

• The pro wrestling story,, ends with Victoria announcing her retirement and becoming commissioner of the FWF, followed by a Where Are They Now on all the major characters. • At the end of fanfic, we learn that Lavinia ends up married to Damon, with two children named after Vale and Kit, while Laurel Whitaker ended up with Obsidian's cousin Glint, and that both families survived the bombing of District Twelve and the war on the Capitol. The story ends with Lavinia relaying Vale's story to Katniss Everdeen, thinking that Vale would have wanted her story to be told.

• uses this during the final credits in the same vein as 's final cases, involving Phoenix giving his goodbyes to everyone he met in Ponyville before he's sent back to his world. • ends with one: • The Batarians are suffering under heavy reparations for their part in the Reaper Wars. • Wrex is the leader of the largest Krogan faction on Tuchanka. • Garrus fell off the map, although it's implied he became. • Miranda is the military governor of this universe's version of Cadia. • Tali formed this universe's (with help from and a few others) • Thane died peacefully in his sleep after hearing of the victory over the Reapers. • Jack disappeared, leaving a message saying that she might go and do something similar to what Garrus was doing.

• retired and lives in a nice home provided by the Alliance. He flies light aircraft in his spare time. • fell off the grid and may be trying to recreate the with help from Cerberus. • became a highly successful Spectre, albeit a highly noticeable one. • became a at Grissom Academy. • became the Citadel Council's Warmaster, and. • There is a minor one in the epilogue of to show what happened to the Kingdom after the climactic battle and.

It also serves as a cliffhanger for the next installment. •: The later half of the final chapter is this. Naruto reflects one the current situation of his friends and allies as he walks forward to accept his appointment as Hokage. •, imitating, has brief descriptions of characters in odd scenes. They're actually even less serious than the show's—for example, becomes. •: After the four protagonists switch back to their bodies in Timeline Gamma (aka the canon timeline) and continue their lives post-canon, the epilogue of the story is this, covering the fates of those in Timeline Beta (aka the past timeline they meddled with).

• The directors and the animators on fought with the Disney Company, and won, to create additional animation and 'photo' paintings of what happened to the characters after the events of the film, establishing the new family that they indeed formed after Stitch arrived. • 's closing credits begin with this, before to an 8-bit graphical recap of the movie's main plot. • The closing credits of show that the fish that were living in the dentist's fish tank are all now living happily in the ocean with Nemo, Marlin, Dory, and their friends.

• In the animated feature of, the narrator relates how Woundwort's body was never found and his memory lived on as a sort of lapine boogeyman. • does this via. • combines this trope with.

This is the story of a boy named Kippei Katakura who did not care about the feelings of others, especially girls, with whom he was to stop flirting and over and over no matter what they felt. But everything changes when Yuzuyu comes to life. Yusuyu is his first 5 years, who, being alone, begins to live with Katakura who later becomes his surrogate mother. Many emotions this character make him reflect on what he did with the girls, especially Kokoro, a quiet girl who is always on the lookout for Katakura.