Fsx Airport Scenery Silhouettes

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So i recently went on a freeware scenery hunt for FSX and i came across some very nice freeware. I will link them bellow. There are many tutorials on installing addon scenery to FSX so i wont explain. Abu Dhabi International Airport: This FS2004 scenery works perfectly fine if you follow the instructions that work with FSX and add the scenery as you would with standard addon scenery (In the addons scenery menu).
The only bugs with this scenery are a blackish floor hovoring above the ground on every gate and the ILS on 13R and 31L does not work. Warriors Orochi 3 Keygen Generator Corel. The ILS issue is not fixable (As far as i know), but to fix the gate issue, delete the 'ABUDHABIAIRPORT_API.bgl' file from the scenery folder. Great scenery!!
Kuala Lumpur International Airport, Sepang: Again, some FS2004 scenery, but if installed properly will work in FSX. This scenery was very accurate (According to memory from the last time i was there), performs nicely and was easy to install. There are no bugs that i have found and i do enjoy flying to this scenery.
Doha, Hamad International Airport: Note: The correct scenery is the top one, you will need both the 'New Doha' file and the 'altitude fix'. This scenery is a very nice re-creation of Doha's new airport. Replacing the old airport within FSX, you will still need to use the old ICAO (if i remember correctly) for placing yourself at the airport. Overall, great scenery for it's price (Free)! Imaginesim Demos: Strictly, these are not freeware airports, however the demo's are still very nice for a demo. There are some downsides such as boxes advertising the scenery but they do not interrupt the flight majorly. These are good if you are planning on buying the scenery (like i am) but still good!
UK2000 demos: Refer to previous description. If anyone knows any good, realistic freeware or AFCAD files, do mention bellow! Hope this helps!
Hello guys i need some help in order to convert some good fs9 airports i have in fsx. I am using AFX and ADEX. My problem is this. I open a fs9 airport with afx or ade and then i convert it inside afx for example to fsx format. Then i use the regular method to install it to fsx ( i copy this inside addon scenery inside fsx and then i install it to fsx library ).
Freeware Scenery for Microsoft FSX, Flight Simulator X. Add enhanced scenery, airports, etc to FSX! Scenery of the new airport Kassel-Calden. Los Roques on FSX was horrible, a silhouette clear brown in the sea. Flight Simulator X Menu.

I start fsx in the new airport. Ok until now everything is working perfect all scenery objects and approns e.t.c. Are visible and in correct placement as it was in fs9 but when after i enter inside the runway and starting to increasing speed for take off i see the textures of the runway bellow starting to dissapear and i see the textures of the old layer before i add the new airport.
Does anyone knows how i can fix this? Thanks in advance. Hello guys i need some help in order to convert some good fs9 airports i have in fsx. I am using AFX and ADEX.
My problem is this. I open a fs9 airport with afx or ade and then i convert it inside afx for example to fsx format. Then i use the regular method to install it to fsx ( i copy this inside addon scenery inside fsx and then i install it to fsx library ). I start fsx in the new airport. Ok until now everything is working perfect all scenery objects and approns e.t.c. Are visible and in correct placement as it was in fs9 but when after i enter inside the runway and starting to increasing speed for take off i see the textures of the runway bellow starting to dissapear and i see the textures of the old layer before i add the new airport.
Does anyone knows how i can fix this? Thanks in advance.It sounds like the altitude of the converted airport is not quite the same as that in FSX. FSX airports have background polys to flatten them.
What you are describing sounds like the ground under the airport runway is not flat.Also I am not sure why you are using both AFX and ADEX. Are you moving the bgl file from one to the other and then into FSX? It is generally not a good idea to use more than one airport design tool at the same time. Hello scruffyduck and thank you for your interest to help. I am not using the afx and the ade the same time i just used one time afx but without succes and then i used ade to do this again from the biggining but without succes too. In the example i mention i wanted to add the ' HST lgav ' from of fs9 into fsx just to replace the default one.
Maybe i need to add a flatten polygon into lgav of fs9 first and then convert it to fsx?If you are using ADE - Start ADE in FSX mode. Import the bgl file by Open Airport from Bgl. If you want to keep things like the stock buidlings, approach code and so on then use Tools >Load Stock Data and tick the relevant boxes. Now you will need to use the terrain poly tool to create an airport background. That is the button with the green poly on it.
Create it to cover the airport area. Make sure to double click the last point. In the property dialog choose Airport Background as the tyle and Flatten Mask Class Map ExcludeAutogen as the Tag. Save your changes.
This will create an airport background at the airport reference altitude. Hello scruffyduck i did as you told me step by step except adding the default fsx stock objects. All things are working weel except the rnw. I have install the lgkr of gap.
I have post an attachment with a screenshot i took while i was landing in the rnw 17 of the lgkr and as you see the new rwn has starting to dessapear as i am approaching and in the time of touch down has dessapeared and to its position the default fsx rwn has shown. Many thanks.I am sorry but the screenshot does not seems to help me understand the problem. If you have the default runway appearing then this could mean that you have more than one addon version of the airport installed on your computer. I can see the problem in your last picture. As you move along the runway it's like a hole appears and you can see another texture underneath right?
I have a similar problem with Phuket2010 airport that I'm trying to convert to FSX. I believe the problem is that the FSX scenery is uneven, and the altitude of the FSX airport is a few feet higher than the altitude used in the add-on scenery. However the FS9 airport is not flattening the FSX terrain, so the FS9 ground polygon with the nicer texture on it is still at default FSX old altitude.I think you need to flatten the FSX airport in the same way as it is flattened in the FS9 airport.